July 2, 2018


The graduation trip to Belize was marvelous....
a successful family vacay for Nick, Cat and their extended family!
We heard all about their adventures and experiencing another country
and culture! We are so happy they experienced the island life!

When it's summer in Texas,
you will want to take in a Ranger Baseball game....
cold beer and Decker Dogs all around!

The California family is continuing to
set up their new household!
Jenn did an excursion through Home Goods and alas,
found her turquoise teapot she had been wanting!
Isn't it too darling???

They were both excited and happy to help
a friend by dogsitting for a few days...
Meet Rusty....so, so sweet!

I think Bo was happy to have a pal to play with
and nap with...I don't think he was even the least bit jealous!

They found the perfect patio set for their new
outdoor living space and I must say,
it's looking so pretty and relaxing....
I told them to please save us a seat!

It makes my heart so very happy to see them
transitioning to their new home!
We certainly do miss them though.....

Miss M and her family headed up to
Black Rock Mountain State Park
in the Georgia mountians for a family camping trip!
Would you just look at this beautiful lake!!!

This is Luke's favorite type of vacation.....
I can relate...some of our best ever family vacations
were camping in the Smoky Mountains every summer!

I was feeling a bit bummed having to spend
the summer at home this year.....the darling is still on the mend
from the knee surgery, but slowly progressing....
we perked up however, when Nick and Cat 
drove up to grill a steak dinner with us Sunday evening
and then smiled even more when we learned
Miss M and our little Luke the Duke are coming out to
 stay with us for a week this month!!


  1. AnonymousJuly 02, 2018

    OH! and a good time will be had by all!
    and the pictures of sweet little Bo and his house guest are wonderful. XO

    1. Hi Tammy...it did turn out well for a large family....a bit too rough for me after hearing of their adventures! The CA move seems to all be good! Have a lovely and safe 4th!

  2. Oh that is wonderful Betsy, to have your sweet family come visit . It means more since you can not go anywhere just yet with your sweetheart. Praying he heals completely. I love the pictures of the children in white, such a bunch of beauties. I also like the new header photos. Blessings to you and yours, xoxo, Susie

    1. Hi dear Susie....yes, they really lifted our spirits as they always do. I look forward to reading your posts about summer at your home! Hugs and blessings!

  3. Betsy, I know what it feels like to have family so far away. Most of my family is in the Midwest as is my husbands and we live on the east coast so it is hard when everyone is getting together to do things are we are here. I hope that your husband continues to mend, it is a long steady process, so don't rush it.

    Happy 4th of July!

  4. I’m feeling a very FUN week coming to your home soon!! So happy to hear they’re coming to play...always love to see pics of you and your sweet girl together!
    Happy knee healing 4th of July to you today...and what a relief to FINALLY have some rain. Hope y’all go it too!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.