February 10, 2025


Good Morning Kindred Spirits..
I do hope you are all well and happy..
did you enjoy your weekend?
We were able to be outdoors and soak in some
afternoons of warm sunshine and a bit of nature....
so good for the soul....
We dined on Sloppy Joes and Corn on the Cob Friday night.... 
These are simply snippets of our weekend here in
the great state of Texas.....

We had 80 degrees temps through the afternoon on Saturday,
then a cold front arrived bringing an evening in the 50's...
we enjoyed a dinner in the historic district on their patio,
under the heaters..it felt so good to be out!!!

This is one of our favorite gathering places and they
have a robust customer base with great atmosphere 
and absolutely delicious food!

Our granddaughter celebrated her birthday
with a big friends and family party down in Midland....

I am beginning to change out the home decor to a bit of spring....

We both have taken to reading in the living room
during the afternoon....ahhh..retirement....
a rather strange chapter in life....

I served a small menu of appetizers
and made a Bloomin' Onion for the very first time..
this is a bit of process but I think I managed to 
create a delicious air fryer onion...

I just created my own seasonings and will share the entire process
if you are interested....

I love having a side of buttered and toasted french bread for dipping.....

My slow cooker Buffalo Chicken Dip

A favorite of the boys....
Little Smokies in BBQ SAUCE..
we loved Lady Gaga's performance at the Superbowl
and did watch most of the game....
not thrilled about either team this time around...

For those with a sweet tooth...
I made chocolate chip blondies from Taste of Home...delish!

Miss Lucy seems to love getting up really early in the morning
and then enjoys a long afternoon siesta....

It's going to be a week of cold days and rain...
I think Chili will be on the menu..
Thanks for stopping by today...enjoy your week!

February 6, 2025


Good Morning to all my Kindred SPIRITS...
today will hopefully brighten your mood
as we talk about Spring..it's like we
can turn out thoughts to pastel colors and gardens of yellow....
The sights, smells, and events of SPRINGTIME
create an irresistible urge to head outdoors..
Let's try something new and enjoy the simple
freshness of the season....

I love changing out the dinnerware to something bright and cheerful..
like my collection of Pioneer Woman plates...
set with gingham linens.....

I am changing out a few things in an upstairs bedroom....
I am in love with the bright colors and theme of these new art prints...
stay tuned for the grand reveal.....

And a new addition to my library of cookbooks..
how I love picnics with my darling.....

My mother and grandmother always had "fluff salads"
on the dining table in beautiful cut glass bowls.....
cannot wait to make this.....

I loved this Lanata last year which grew beside my Foxtail Fern,
so I plan on planting more for 2025.....

I chose these darling pillow covers for our outdoor living space..
love the feeling of happiness they create.....

My bucket list for Spring
Host an Easter Brunch
Plant new seeds
Make fresh lemonade
Look for rainbows
Visit a local nursery
Wear a new floral dress out to dinner

The next big thing, will be a lot of small things...
I see pink roses in the forthcoming season....
how about you?

February 1, 2025


This was a wonderful highlight back in October, 2024...
Our family was on an adventure and little did we know
how wonderful it would be.....

we traveled on country roads, really enjoying the Texas
country...lots of green pastures, cattle under the trees, pick up trucks
parked on the ranches....I was loving every minute of this new discovery....

It was love at first sight from the minute we drove up the long
pathway to the house....an old country home that had
been beautifully updated....I knew this house
and I were going to become best friends....

Who doesn't love rocking chairs on the front porch
overlooking a vast and sprawling yard in the middle of nowhere....

This was a stunning kitchen....I wanted to live here...
everyone unpacked the cars and we were going to
have a beautiful spot to stay for the wedding....

A room with a view......
Everyone was at peace and able to rest and relax

God blessed us with beautiful weather and must have known
we needed that for the big event for the family...

The owners thought of such lovely special touches
throughout the home....

Once we stopped outside, it was a feeling of awe and contentment...
beauty and calm was our guft....

The sounds....the peace....faraway
country sounds of chickens, roosters, sheep and a gentle breeze

Lucy even did a bit of exploring...

We spent hours enjoying this view..
early morning coffee, afternoon naps
and late night cocktail hours....

Such beautiful property with sheep grazing across the way...
my mind and my heart were at total peace..

I wanted to stay....the quiet of the day, the sun shining
and the peace of watching Mallards land on the lake..

I know Otis loved every minute

Morning coffee...bliss

Evening sunsets

What a beautiful experience for the family

Family...I love them!
God Bless Texas!


January 24, 2025


Good Morning Kindred Spirits...
welcome new followers and all you snow babies...
so many of you that live in the south are blanketed with snow.... 

Our friends down in College Station

Our friends in the great state of Alabama

Our friends in Dothan

Mr. Apple  braving the cold and snow in Pensacola

And Charleston, South Carolina....how gorgeous!

We have had pretty cold temps but no snow this week.....

If you are new here, welcome....
Estelle's focus is good southern foods, home decor,
all things family and creating a beautiful and peaceful way of living....
These are a few delicious foods that were prepared this week....

A calming cocktail hour

A warm and hearty good morning breakfast...

Spiced tea in the afternoon.....

Homemade blueberry biscuits.....

A scrumptious cherry pie....

And our favorite Taco Salad...

Miss Lucille Louisa Merriweather spends her evenings by the
fireside....and so do we.....

Y'all have a good weekend.....