June 3, 2018


Today is the day we had to say "so long, safe travels and 
we hope to see you very soon!"
California here they come......
I don't like saying good bye to my children
and I know I never will....
but, change is something that happens and 
you just have to adjust, right?

We enjoyed a great Friday night out on the town
at our favorite dining spot.....

This now becomes the place of many
celebrations and family memories....

We certainly will miss the cocktail hour with them....

Saturday morning I treated them to homemade waffles.....

I had ordered a new KRUPS waffle iron and love it.....
this one is so similar to Daddy's old Sunbeam.
Another change for me and not insignificant.....

I love weekend breakfasts don't you?

And. we find ourselves here on Sunday morning....early....packing.....
Bo knew something was happening.....
wonder when we will see him again.....

They plan on arriving at their new home
on Tuesday,,,,stopping to see the Grand Canyon
on their way.....

Good bye to Bo Bo......this feels srange already.....

Safe travels....we love you to the moon and back...
we'll leave the light on......


  1. From one Mississippi girl to another, I feel your pain! My youngest and her family left TN this morning moving to Anchorage! Breaks my heart! They were 4 hours away and now 4,000 miles!they should arrive in about 2 weeks as they are making a vacation of the trip!

    1. Oh Brenda....I so relate and thank you SO much for sharing this today. It is the hardest for a parent to let their children move away....thank goodness for facetime...it's going to be an adjustment for us all....please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing with their move...warm hugs dear one!

    2. Thank you Betsy! Just found out your relation to Bo and Barbie, two of my all time favorite people! I feel like we’re family! My crew are in the Yukon Territory with about 3 Days to go. Hope yours have reached their destination and are settling in. Warm hugs back to you!

    3. Well Miss Brenda...thank you for telling me of your friendship with my sweet sister-in-law! This is amazing and makes me so happy that you visited my blog! Yes, our couple is now safe and sound in their new CA home..long, long trip and a badly sprained ankle! I hope you are enjoying summer and are making some good memories...hugs and blessings!

    4. Blessings to you and your family! I am a devoted follower of your blog! Happy Summer!

  2. How very difficult as a parent that must be. I can't imagine but happy for them at the same time. It won't be long before you will be going for a visit.

    1. Hi Patricia....I do look forward to a visit and hope they are happy....boo hoo right now however...hope you are staying cool...summer has arrived with a bang here in Texas....hugs from me to you!

  3. Oh- I hear you. It about broke my heart when my youngest daughter moved away with her hubby and three little ones. Now I go visit and stay a few days at a time but it is not the same as having her close like the other kids are. Sending you a big ol' hug! xo Diana

    1. Dear Diana....it's interesting that what we do as parents, is love our children and keep them close, then we must let them fly.....I wish all four lived across the street! But, we carry on don't we? Hope you are enjoying the summer thus far...I so appreciate your thoughts and kindness today..hugs!

  4. Aw shoot! This day did come. May you all navigate unchartered waters as well as possible. (Maybe they won’t like CA and Texas will be the place to be again. One can hope!)

    1. Hi Vee....My hope is that they love CA and create their own happiness. It's most likely a beautiful place to live. Greg told me it was more beautiful than Maine which is hard to imagine...thank you for visiting today and I hope this finds you in the pink!

  5. Oh Betsy, I'm imagining your pain! We only have one son and no daughters, and I always count my blessings that he lives close in a nearby town. Best wishes for their success and prayers for safe travels. I'll be thinking of you.

    Warm hugs,

    Denise at Forest Manor

    1. Dear Denise....thank you love for such kind and warm comments....sending love to you across the miles..happy summer!

  6. One of my girls and her family are in SC awaiting the birth of their second child then will be headed to live in TN. That’s far from PA! I understand, and yet we do well to allow them to live the lives God has prepared for them! Joy and pain.

    1. Deanna...they will love Tennessee....it's a great place to live and just beautiful with friendly people! I know it feels so far from you....we shall think good thoughts for their new life adventure.

  7. AnonymousJune 03, 2018

    I spent my entire young life saying goodbye. I have stayed here now for the longest time ever.
    the last goodbyes were the final ones that came way too soon in my life.
    but even the happier ones like this one never get easier! go ahead and cry darling bean. it's a big change. but you are beautiful and brave and strong. you're the matriarch! where YOU are is home.
    so glad Bo is going with them in the car. that has to make him feel relieved. it's hard on them too.

    1. Tammy darling....you are indeed the kindest, warmest spirit...thank you! I feel this will be a good move for them....maybe a few years and then back home.....it's part of their journey and how blessed they are to have this one! Big hugs from me to you!

  8. Hugs to you Betsy. Best wishes for the children's new life in a new place. Glad you got to enjoy time with them and Bo. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

    1. Hi Susie...thank you so much for your sweet comments....wishing you a lovely beginning to summer....hugs and blessings to you!

  9. Sweet Betsy...you’ve done your job well! We must teach them to be independent to succeed and to use those wings to fly. From the looks on their faces and smiles, they are flying high! Oh don’t you remember the excitement we felt as youngsters during that first really wild risk we took as flew the nest?? So exciting for them. And just think of the fabu trips y’all will make out to San Fran...one of my favorite cities!!
    Chuckled big time about your waffle maker...my husband and sons have the most awesome memories of the original waffles his mom used to make. I got her waffle maker but I’ve never been able to make them as she did. And that machine is OLD!
    So with me googles help, he found the exact waffle maker,albeit a commercial one, and bought not one but 2!!!!! He has been making them EVERY weekend and also found the original Betty Crocker recipe that his mom used!!
    What’s really funny? I’m not that into waffles but he would never know that...I brag and brag and brag about them cuz it makes him so happy!!!!!
    Just one more thing we have in common!!!

    1. Hi JANEY.....yes, I so remember moving away from home after we marries and it taught us to depend on each other and grow up a bit. This is why we kept encouraging them both to go experience a new living style, not to mention a big career move! I think they will learn to love it! This is what we all must do as good parents...doesn't mean there are tears here and there! So happy to see your son is on the mend....how very hard that must have been...warm hugs for a lovely beach trip!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.