September 9, 2017


I so admired the decision Miss Irma made to relocate from Ohio
to the sunny state of Florida.
She was leaving behind the long winters and the mountain of snow
that needed to be shoveled each day.
Her new home had been remodeled and updated
all prettied up with new coastal colors and new furniture.....

She has traveled back and forth a few times over the past five months....

Her beautiful Ohio home is on the market currently......
so she still is a homeowner in Ohio....

Her new home is directly in the path of Hurricane Irma
(how coincidental her name is)...whatever happens will happen....
it will be OK.....perhaps the blessing was
she was not in Florida currently and is safe and sound....
God never gives us more than we can handle....
Let us say our prayers for those living in our beloved state of FLORIDA!


  1. Thank you for all the prayers for Florida. My beautiful granddaughter, Sierra, is in Tampa. She has taken some precautions to be safe and survive afterwards...But I can not help but worry for her and all our citizens in the Hurricane's path. Just as Texas, they will have days, months , years getting back to normal....if ever. Hopefully the hurricanes will dissipate or diminish , as there are more at sea. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

    1. It's a scary hope your granddaughter is out of harms way Susie..keep me posted!

  2. We have loved ones scattered all over the state! Praying and praying some more!

    1. So hope everyone comes out in one piece....prayers are needed!

  3. she seems such a dear person. and I hope her new home can be spared.
    there have already been a lot of changes for her this year to get used to!

    1. I so hope it survives too Tammy...right on the coastline and way in South Florida...looks like a bad mix currently...thank you for stopping by and leaving such a sweet thought!

  4. Currently in a hotel room north of Atlanta. We were going to ride it out until the middle of the night last night when Venice became in the path of a 4 or 5. No thank you. Tampa should be ok.

    1. Atlanta should be getting high winds and tropical storm weather by Monday..glad you are safe tucked away for now....Tampa looks like it may be in the path currently...stay sate Vicki!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.