July 1, 2024


Today's post is all about THE WEDDING!

Weddings these days have changed dramatically compared
to wedding customs from the 70's...when the darling and I 
exchanged vows.....
There are new custom events, one of which is
The Wedding Dress Reveal!
The purpose of this particular event is
for the bride to invite those closest to her
and model her special gown she has chosen for her upcoming marriage!
It was indeed a celebratory occasion....we discussed all the
ceremony plans as we sipped champagne and fawned over
of gorgeous bride-to-be!


Wedding dresses today are so beautiful and are designed with
"pockets" these days which is genius.....

The celebration was held for the Mother and Grandmothers
to join in the bride's happy anticipation of her special day
which will be in the fall of this year....

Her mother was so thoughtful to bring her a little bouquet
of florals so she could get the full effect....

This reminds me so much of the time
Mother and I shopped for my own wedding gown...
I still just love that dress to this very day.....

What a happy celebration this was and we made
special memories together for our precious granddaughter....

Her dress is classic and she looks stunningly beautiful...

The parents have been working SOOOO hard under this
summer Texas sun to prepare the ranch land for the wedding.....

This is the area on the ranch where the ceremony will take place....

It's going to be a very memorable occasion....
There is nothing more beautiful than a Texas sunset....

Next up, is her bridal shower.....
which will be held this month...
I an so excited for this.....

We will have a house full of family so let the festivities begin...
Our one and only granddaughter is quite special to us...
and we all look forward to this incredibly special day...


  1. What an exciting time for you all!! One and only granddaughter! She is just precious!

  2. Thank you for sharing this special time with us. Blessings on the soon-to-be bride!

  3. So delightful! What a special event. I love to celebrate these kinds of events. They are part of the history of the family!


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