July 4, 2024


Good Morning all you Summer lovers...
I do hope you are enjoying your days
and spending thoughtful, quiet times with sunshine on your shoulders.....
I pulled out a few of my favorite things for the month of July
to put on display at my kitchen workstation.....

This is the most decorating I plan to do for summer
and I find it a nod to July 4th and all our family
birthdays we will be celebrating this month....

Sunflowers remind me of days in summer when
we visited my grandmother....we played all day long,
and well into the evening with our cousins....
we ran in cornfields and played with the cows and sheep...
we had dinners of freshly grown vegetables
that the neighbors had shared and left on her back porch...

Each year, there would be a full three months in which
we were out of school and my parents took us on wonderful
fun-filled vacations.....
those childhood days seemed so carefree...

And, now it's just a gift to have slow days
of porch sitting, reading, and watering the gardens...

Our TEXAS heat has arrived as expected
so I am determined to keep things growing....
I cut back the zinnias in order for
the Rose of Sharon to spread out a bit....

My Butterfly Bush finally bloomed....
beautiful among the marigolds..

Zinnias seem to love summer......

And I am loving my Lantana this year....

I plan for grilled hot dogs and burgers for July 4h....
along with my Gone to Glory Potato Salad....

The sides will be Baked Beans and Corn on the Cob.....

To me, this is the All-American celebration.....

It's fun to gather treats of red, white and blue.....

And how about ending the day, with ice cream
and fresh strawberries....
y'all have a fabulous and safe July 4th!


  1. The summer months are fun. Lots to celebrate, and lots of good food to eat!

  2. So many wonderful things on here today. Love those Cracker Jacks, and still buy them every now and then at the store. Your potato salad looks delicious. I always use my mother-in-law's potato salad recipe. It's so simple and good. Your flowers are coming along nicely, and I used to have a blog friend who had the lantana plant also, and they attracted the hummingbirds. Those vintage patriot cards are delightful. My sister first introduced me to the vintage cards many years ago, and ever since, I was hooked. Your 4th of July meal looks delicious. And those cupcakes!

    Wishing you wonderful July days, Betsy.


  3. ps.....your Header pics are always so charming. : )

  4. Hey girlfriend!!! Where oh where did you find those plates with the blue cherries on them??? Love Love Love!

    1. HI Janey...this plate belonged to my grandmother and dates back to the early 1800's...it's a treasured heirloom


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.