April 23, 2020


Over in Atlanta....there was a small family celebration going on....
Miss M made a fabulous birthday dinner and baked
my chocolate cake for her sweet husband.....

Even Miss Piper Rose wanted to be part
of the festivities.....until......

Ah....Piper....you are such a love!!!!!

This was a fabulous Slow Cooker recipe you may want to try...
I will definitely make this again and let me tell you...
the aroma in the kitchen was incredible.....yum-O!


This has been a good time to browse my cookbook collection
and try recipes from old favorites.....
I have always loved this one from Naomi Judd.....

I have been preparing a meatloaf for as long as I can remember...
the great thing about a meatloaf is that you can make it
with so many different ingredients...there is nothing more
comforting than a delcious meatloaf.....

Now, THIS was a great dinner....one of my Daddy's favorites!
I am using whatever is in our pantry to reduce trips to the
grocery store for the darling....I just realized I have not
been to the grocery in a month....and it will probably be a long time
before I feel comfortable doing that!

Another delicious comfort food, is Mother's Slumgullion....
normally made with macaroni, but today it was noodles....
we had this often at Grandmother's during the summer....
made with very few ingredients which makes it perfect
for our current situation!

There was this fabulous dessert served
by The Elite Cafe in Jackson years ago...

The darling and I both worked in downtown Jackson
when we were first married, and we would meet for lunch
on paydays when we could splurge a little and eat
their amazing foods....oh that sweet tea and those dinner rolls....

what fabulous memories....gone but certainly not forgotten.....


this is the closest I can come to duplicate their recipe...
a warm golden butter cake topped with homemade Vanilla Sauce.....

Puzzle of the week.....

Staying home on the patio.....a pretty good place to be!

Soothing sounds......

Nature sure can sweep away the blues......

The weather has been incredible...near perfect,
Well...this was actually Watermelon Lemonade.....

so spending time outdoors has been a welcome break......

So, it's another week.....nothing too exciting....

Mae napping with her babies.....

I feel Summer is going to be quite different....
I wonder about football season too.....and then
I worry about the fall and all the upcoming holidays....
I find myself wringing my hands at the evening news....
yet, I am grateful for the health and well being of my family....
Thank you for staying connected....sending love......


  1. Hi Betsy - I always enjoy your posts, but especially enjoy and appreciate them in these trying times. Thank you so much for the beauty you share with all of us! Your page is always a welcome bright spot in my day.

    1. Hi Connie....I thank you for your kind words...I continue to remember you in prayer and wanted you to know this....I always try to bring something of interest...hopefully we will all find our way back to something normal....warm hugs!

  2. I am having a birthday this week, it seems odd and a birthday to remember. Your Mae has such pretty markings and I like her collection of babies. Slumgullion looks tasty and you have to love that name.

    1. Hi Terra...isn't that name odd? Some call this dish American Chop Suey, which really is strange too! HOPE YOU ARE WELL AND HAPPY! So appreciate your visit and Mae Mobley thank you!

  3. Such good meals! Love seeing all the ways you are coping with this crisis. Nature helps. So does routine and making meals. I’m amazed at the puzzles. It takes me forever to do one! I should box up my 1500 piece and send it to y’all!

    1. Hey Linda...have you seen there is now a shortage on puzzles and the cost has sky rocketed? I know you are waking up with a smile now that y'all are back at the ranch...enjoy the time...stay safe baby girl!

  4. Hi Betsy,

    It seems like we are often on the same wave length. I've been craving homemade meatloaf for weeks now. Yours looks so good! I'm going to have to make one; I've always used the recipe my mom made, and we really like it. It truly is comfort food. Your cake looks yummy, too! We're probably going to gain 50 pounds at this house before this quarantine is over. ;>/

    I worry about things, too. My husband company works with the airline industry, so you can imagine the concerns. They've already had to take a pay cut through the end of this year. I really hate to hear people on tv blaming Trump for this because he's worked so hard to make sure people are taken care of.

    I pray for our future and really hope for the best. Thanks for your lovely post, dear friend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

    1. I know what you mean Denise...this has been something unexpected for the entire world and nothing we have seen in our lifetime....I certainly pray for a vaccine....hope you are well and staying safe at home.....I too make my Mother's meatloaf recipe....I think we have learned to find happiness in the simpliest of things...sending you gentle hugs!

  5. I agree with Connie's comment. You have a way of elevating the ordinary day into something special. My husband and I also would meet for lunch when we were newly married. Such sweet memories! I wish you had a solution for needing a haircut!! I am missing my salon visits. Take care.

    1. Yoy are love Miss Dishywoo....so happy to have you visit....don't worry about the haircut....perhaps a ponytail, or topknot or fancy headband with do for now! Love that you shared memories with your husband...continuing to pray for us all...hugs from me to you!

  6. the sound of falling water from a fountain... it's perfect. I love all the tiny videos!
    I never tire of them. and Mae's sweet picture.
    AND the simple yellow cake with vanilla sauce... YES! stay well darling girl! xoxo

    1. Oh it's good to hear from you dear Tammy...hope this finds you doing well and staying safe....better days are ahead if we can all behave ourselves....hope you have a place to sit out and enjoy our gorgeous weather....warm hugs from me to you!

  7. ... just me. had to visit again this morning and hear the lovely fountain sounds...
    and oh sweet Piper Rose. that face! that adorable face. xoxoxo

    1. Hi Tammy...glad to have you stop by....Piper is THE SWEETEST dog ever.....hope your week is going to be a good one...getting rather bored...just a bit! Hugs!

  8. I think it is going to be a weird summer. It is too cold to sit outside here yet and I am sooo looking forward to being able to do that.
    You posted at just the right time. I have a pork roast that I was trying to figure out what to do with it. It is tomorrow's dinner now.
    Take good care and Stay Safe- xo Diana

    1. Glad you found a recipe to try Diana....our weather has been wonderful...what a blessing....hope your renovation is going along smoothly...really look forward to see your progress...have a great week!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.