March 4, 2020


Leave the cold temps of winter behind
and welcome spring with fresh new cuisine
for you and a friend with a casual, yet delicious 
book club discussion and luncheon combined. 

This is actually the second time I have chosen this book
for book club.....
it seems that springtime is the perfect time of year
to read about this portrait of an unforgettable woman
whose gift for flowers helped her change the lives of others......

 If you have ever enjoyed luncheon at a Tea Room,
I'm certain you have sipped on their marvelous specialty teas...
Today, I chose Teavana, Citrus Lavender herbal tea, which is
a Starbucks brand of tea.
Sweet pineapple, apple and orange zest are balanced
by soothing lavender, chamomile and a savory finish with notes of sage.
It's a luscious blend of bright fruit notes alongside calming herbals. 

The afternoon was a perfect 64 degrees...the sun was shining
and a classic cardigan was all that was needed to ward off a slight chill...
I chose to serve a small bowl of hearty tomato soup, topped with 
a few croutons and freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

I use the Hearty Tomato from Progresso....none better!

Along with the soup, there was freshly made tuna salad,
a smoked gouda cheese spread and crackers....

For our spring sweet,
I baked some fabulous citrus poppy seed lemon muffins with a glaze...
the house smelled amazing......

I hope this gave you some ideas to host
a little spring luncheon for those you enjoy....
the best kind of peaceful spring afternoon
starts by enjoying a glass of tea and 
lingering over a light lunch, discussing a favorite book....
the conversation will flow as freely as the tea!


  1. I've not read this book but I have added it to my list. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Sounds delightful!

  3. Have to mention that the lovely lemon muffins are served on my favorite dishes, Rose Chintz.
    Have collected them from here and there for over 30 years. Always enjoy your nice blog.

  4. mmmmm....I'm hosting book club here next Wednesday night. Since we meet at night, there won't be much tea flowing but there will be lots of wine, cheese and a good meal!!! I gave the books out,The Dearly Beloved by Cara Wall, at Christmas and now by the time I can host, I've already forgotten what the book is about!!! Oh Dear.....but one friend said, Don't worry, the book is the last thing our book club is about!! hahahahaha
    Your muffins look mah-ve-lous!!!!!

  5. I love your 'idea' posts! and the delicious simplicity of that beautiful lunch. it's simply perfect! pun intended. LOL.
    I like to add a bit of spicy hot V8 juice to my tomato soup. just kind of gets your attention. :D
    I can't wait to try that tea. it sounds rather mysterious doesn't it! xoxo

  6. I love hearing about book clubs! And I saw the movie with Jane Fonda! I have never been a part of a book club but I read a lot of books. I love meon poppyseed muffins and bake them a lot in spring. They are so perfect for the season. I just know the ladies had the best time at your book club hosting!

  7. I read this book awhile ago and loved it. Your book club is pretty darn lucky to have you as a member. Your planned luncheon items look positively delish. Enjoy your week!


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