March 14, 2020


This is a centerpiece of joy.....
I wanted to create a centerpiece for the formal dining table
using those special elements that represent the season....
cottage style florals, a garden angel, a most majestic garden bunny
and of course, birds!

I found just the perfect pieces I was looking for to complete
this spring vignette....
the little bird bath was a piece I purchased a few years
ago from Hobby Lobby, but added this adorable little
ironstone bird....take a closer look...

how very sweet is he?

I was on the search for just the perfect bunny...
he was going to be the star of the vignette.....
I knew when I found him, he was THE one....

I love angels in the garden and when I found this one....
I knew she had to be a part of this look......
I think we all find peace of mind when sitting in the garden, don't you?

I tucked a tiny faux bird nest among the florals, just like you would
find in nature......

This 'little framed artwork says it all....
my garden feeds my soul....."

I tucked in the faux tulips around the spring
wreath which were both purchased
from Amazon last year.

I think it feels bright and beautiful

I just love the seasonal elements of the spring season!

Oh yes, I also wanted to elevate this look
and chose to use our bed works for me
and I will say, this turned out as I had wanted...
that's what I find so rewarding about creating
and decorating your home...
finding unique pieces that make your vision come together...
if it brings you joy, then you have done your job well!


  1. you create a tiny important oasis of beauty in this crazy world of chaos right now.
    I always leave here with a smile. whether I comment or not!
    thank you dearest bean. XO

  2. had to come back for a second visit! I love the little bird with the wish message.
    something about him is so sincere. :D xoxo

  3. Your centerpiece is so pretty. Just the perfect scene for spring.

  4. this post just made me smile and sigh with contentment!!
    LOVE that angel!!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.