January 26, 2016


Hope everyone was able to stay by the fireside last weekend!
So many people were experiencing several feet of snow for a few days!
Been there....done that!
My friend who lives outside of Atlanta posted what it looked like at their house...
beautiful...but just a dusting of snow! 

There is nothing funnier than watching a puppy at her first snow fall!

Piper Rose went sledding with the Divine Miss M
decided she loved being a snow puppy!
This is pretty much all the snow Atlanta got last weekend,
but it was fun while it lasted!

Miss Judy's long time friend who lives in Pennsylvania now,
experienced 4 feet of snow at their house!

Meanwhile...back in Texas,
Miss Mae decided to expend some energy!

She finally arranged the entry rug just the way she liked it!


That little playtime lasted five minutes!
Now it was time to just look pretty in the sun! 

Did you see it is the 50th anniversary of Southern Living?

Mother, Miss Judy and I have been
subscribers from the beginning!

Now, these were my bargin finds...
$3.00 each at the grocery store...
I plan on using these for the holidays
for wine on the table and for
juice at our breakfast buffets!

Lovely embossing on the bottom too! 

Sometimes....it's the little things....
a new coffee mug compliments of the darling......

What's your new favorite guilty pleasure these days?
Nurse Jackie
now showing on Netflix!

Seven seasons to watch,
but it won't be a problem....
love this show! Love it! 


  1. Great photos. Yes, most dogs do love snow-play. Our Kane loved it when he was a young dog. We don't have very much snow this year. I'm actually loving that. :) Mae is so funny. What a great spot for her to enjoy some play-time and sun-puddles. "Go Mae".

    1. Hi Deb! She is a minx sometimes....hope you have some sunshine today! Kane was so very beautiful...I know how much you miss your dear furbabies! I know!

  2. Next door 'grand puppy' Lilly, and 'grand puppy' Clara, had fun in their first snow toooooo! :-)))))

    But I prefer Miss Mae's form of exercise. More gentle and lady like. :-)))

    Yes, we must find the things which 'get us through' the dull days of winter! I'm still seeking hibernation suggestions. :-)

    Gentle hugs...

    1. Baking is always a good thing to do in Winter...or exercising in front of no one! Enjoy your days.....so appreciate your visit!

  3. Love seeing all of the snow snaps and the dogs running and having fun! Your kitty is having such fun with the rug. I've wondered about the Nurse Jackie on Netflix. Glad you like it and I will have to see it. I'm hooked right now on The Killing! :) Love Netflix. Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Hi Shelia! I will have to check that one out too. Netflix is great, I agree. It did not take long to get hooked on Nurse Jackie! Hope you are enjoying these winter months! Think spring!!!

  4. What did we do before Netflix! I'm waiting for the melting to occur today with temperatures reaching almost 60! That will be my feel-good moment:-D XOXO

    1. Oh indeed Susan! Texas too, is getting warmer this week! It may be close to flip-flop weather!!! Thank you so much for visiting today...stay warm and cozy!!!

  5. A puppy who enjoys the snow is a lot of fun. Netflix is so different from place to place, but I will look into your show. Just checked...not yet!

    1. I did not realize that Vee. Interesting....there are great varieties available now! I am afraid Downton has been a bit boring so far....but the fashion never fails to disappoint! Stay warm!!

  6. Betsy, little Mae is certainly enjoying getting the rug like she wants! So cute! A nice variety of snow photos. It's 55 today so our snow is melting fast! I'm a long time subscriber to Southern Living as well...my copy has not come yet. The mail certainly will have delivery today! Enjoy your day! ♥

  7. I will definitely start watching Nurse Jackie. We are now just finishing Doc Martin which I positively adored. I'm watching Mozart in the Jungle on the treadmill, which means I haven't seen much of it. Enjoy sunny Texas. Can you tell I am jealous??

  8. Mae does seem quite content with her work.

  9. I do love seeing photos of your precious cat!!
    I have no clue about Netflix....I live under a heavy rock! Amber and everyone else I know watch Netflix but I am so old school!

  10. Oh the pets are so funny. Your new finds are pretty. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.