June 21, 2022


Hello Kindred Spirits....
today I am sharing just a few updates on the Homefront....
it is just very, very hot here in the great state of Texas,
so I only go outdoors to water the plants.....
I really cannot recall triple digit heat in early June
like we have experienced this year...

I updated our bedroom with a beautiful new quilt....just love it....
soft blues which make it very calming and relaxing.....

Along with a lovely distressed area rug with similar colors.....

I added new soft sage green towels in our guest bathroom
with the romantic scent of Gardenia....
it's good for the soul to update nooks and crannies.

The darling received this adorable puzzle for Father's Day...
I LOVE IT...just so fun with all this summer activity detail!

This is the first year I planted Zinnia's and I just love seeing
them bloom....

We got to visit with these two for our Father's Day celebration.....
we love catching up with our granddaughter and her beau.....

We met our son and his wife at Top Golf,
then spent the later afternoon in the pool.....

A few noteworthy recipes included
a divine Custard Pie....
I make mine with Evaporated milk and a bit of Halt N' Half...
perfect for the Summer!

Fresh blueberry Muffins using
Pioneer Baking Mix...
some of the best I have made!

The BBQ chicken sliders turned out SO GOOD....... 

Everyone loved this cold and yummy dessert...

Strawberry Heaven on Earth Cake

And, last but not least....
our youngest grandchild celebrated his 14th birthday!

Love this kid to the moon and back.....
I only wish we lived closer so we could see him every day!
He always has a smile on his face, which warms my heart!
There is nothing more important than family!

Y'all take good care...see ya' next time!


  1. Looks like a good beginning to a great summer! Sorry your temps are so high! We've had pockets of heat but we are much cooler than usual for June! I am not complaining though. The heat will come soon enough!

  2. What a handsome grandson... I think he favors you a lot. And, of those pics of the food. Perfect summertime fare.

  3. AnonymousJune 21, 2022

    look at the precious Miss Mae Mobley! she loves your new quilt too.
    this is a most wonderful salute to the beginning of summer! even though our temps have been in the triple digits already. Spring was so fleeting it's just a distant memory now. your family only grows more beautiful as the days (years!) go by. I'm not ready for little Luke the Duke to be 14!!! it seems only yesterday that he and Piper Rose were peeking into the toybox! (my favorite picture.)
    the summer food looks Fabulous! thank you for another shameless (no calories!) treat of a post Betsy. XO

  4. Like Deanna's, temps here have been much cooler than normal. I wouldn't trade extremes with you, though. Sixties will be just fine with me.

    Happy Birthday to Luke!

    Here's to many family times this summer!

  5. Hi Betsy,

    Your new goodies for the house look so nice! I love to do that same thing at the start of each season; you're right -- it's good for the soul. :) Love the new puzzle, which reminds me that we have a new summer puzzle I had completely forgotten about. I'll have to get it out now! Happy 14th birthday to darling Luke!!! I hope you have a good week, Betsy. It's supposed to be close to 100 degrees here tomorrow, as well. Things are already looking parched outside.


    Denise at Forest Manor


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.