October 22, 2017


October 22, 2017
62 degrees F....how perfect it is....today we are golden......
How many ways do I love thee October.........

We love taking drives on Sunday afternoon
going through our neighborhoods and seeing all of the mums,
pumpkins, scarecrows and Halloween decorations.
Have you created a warm and festive welcome for family and friends
into your home?

The Divine Miss M sent me these photos of her
entryways all dressed up for fall.....don't you just love
these vibrant colors?

I very  much admire how elegant she plants
her front door entry urns....magazine worthy!!!

The darling and I made a Saturday morning visit
to Home Depot to pick up Mums for our own front door entry
and I will tell you these "had me at hello!"

I love, love, love it!

I have dear friends who are very ill in the hospital
currently and are facing some life altering health issues....
I send prayers to them and it would be my wish
for them to enjoy more autumn days in good health......
She was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago....
it has returned and she will now face a double mastectomy.
She is 33 years old.
He suffered a massive stroke....resting in ICU on a respirator
He is a loving husband and has two beautiful children, age 4 and 11 months.
He is 38 years old.

These are the times you remember to appreciate each and every
moment you are gifted....take joys in the simple pleasures of life....

What is it about scarecrows that make us smile?

I will tell you something I did a little differently this year....
I changed out my throws and pillows for September and October
and will change them again for November....
this way I can enjoy them for the month
and have them all on display for the entire fall season!

As I mentioned earlier, Mr. Fox is on display in many little spaces...
he is such a handsome little fellow....

Let the fall speak to you......

Be still and be thankful.......

This will be an exciting week preparing for Halloween.....

Don't you love fall luncheons? 
How about throwing on a cardigan
and feasting on pulled BBQ chicken and potato salad.... outdoors!

The beauty of nature is our gift for the season.....

The last volleyball game of Abbie's senior year was celebrated
Friday night....she is college bound in the fall of 2018
on a scholarship she worked very hard for....
so very exciting for her and bittersweet for Mom and Dad.....
we must teach our babies to fly......

Mae Mobley is totally off her Zonisamide and remains seizure free....
her last dose was October 6th, 2017....
so you see my loves....
today we are golden.....and for this...
we are so thankful......


  1. Betsy, I love your daughter's entry and yours. Both are beautiful. Oh that fox !!! I want one so much. I see a little fox over at My Kentucky Living. Barbara puts him out in many of her vignettes. Adorable. I am happy about Mae. She looks at peace there, stretched out. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. congrats to your lovely granddaughter.

    1. Thank you Susie for such sweet comments! Hope you have a lovely week!

  2. Thank you for the photo of Ms Mae.Give her a hug and kiss from me. I will say a prayer for your friends.
    I do know how hard life can seem- but I can attest to what glorious things God sends our way, we just have to be ever aware of the blessings around us. We take sooooooooo many things for granted. Be still and know what is around you. :-)

    1. Oh dear Blanche..so good to hear from you! Thank you love for such lovely comments....hope you are doing well and having some enjoyable moments of this fall season..it's going by so quickly...hugs from me to you!

  3. Loved this post, Karen. The entryways are just beautiful. I didn't do much this year for Fall---just too much going on. It has always been my favorite season so I feel a bit guilty not doing anything.
    Hope you have a great week. Did I ask you for your address? I have just a little something for you. I'd love it if you would email me at dianakos1@gmail.com. Thanks- xo Diana

    1. Thank you Diana....just a note that my name is Betsy, not Karen. I so appreciate your visit and love visiting your blog. I also appreciate the thought of a gift, but it is so not necessary...I just enjoy the friendship...hugs for a lovely week ahead.

  4. A prayer for your friends is on it's way. How horrible to hear that a 38 year old with just little babies who need him has a massive stroke. The breast cancer coming back is so sad to hear, sending prayers for a recovery for both. Tomorrow when I get my grandgirl, a bigger hug for her and more kisses for my husband, just never know what the next minute brings.

    Beautiful entry ways and I must say I do love your curtains, gives me an idea as I need new ones for my living room. Your barbeque and salad, gosh it looks so good.

    1. Hi Betsy...I do so believe that prayer can work wonders. I am sure these sweet young people will be appreciative of your thoughts and your prayers. I am happy you enjoyed this post and will enjoy time with your grandchild...hope you enjoy a lovely week.

  5. Betsy, your entryway as well as your daughter's looks perfect for Autumn. I need to get busy dressing our's as well. We have just returned from our trip and I need to get into high gear. Autumn is my favorite of all!
    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's health issues--so young. I will remember them in my prayers. ♥

    1. Hi Martha Ellen...so good to hear from you! I hope you are going to post about your recent travels..how exciting! Thank you for your prayers on dear friends...hugs for that! I hope you are having a wonderful fall season!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.