March 25, 2018


We were blessed with THE most gorgeous spring weekend....
blue skies, sunshine and perfect temps....
this was the start of our outdoor spruce up after
the long, yet mild winter.

It is a quite Sunday with somewhat gray skies,
but everyone is enjoying their time outdoors
before our week of predicted spring rains come.

The pear tree was stunning this year and now
the blooms are gone with the winds......

The more I garden, the more I associate the things I plant
 with the people who taught me to grow them. 
Every bloom in my garden connects me with memories of people I have loved.

Every year, I plant Nasturtiums....

My Trader Joe's miniature roses are flourishing.....

The kitchen window seems like the perfect spot
to bring a bit of natural beauty into focus.....

Hope you all have a marvelous week
and that your thoughts are happy and kind.


  1. Betsy, It looks very nice and clean around your area. I like that. The roses are so pretty. We were lucky and did not get any of the snow that went right south of snowed all day for those people. Indianapolis got a record snow. The sun is out now and a week long ...on and off rain is predicted. I am ready for planting things. :) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Oh still have snow! What a winter y'all have endured...good things are soon coming your way...isn't spring a beautiful season! Have a great week love!

  2. Glad ya'll had good weather...we didn't get it until late on Saturday and then today was oh, so gross...with rain predicted for all of next week. But all the kids were in and we cooked enough crawfish for an army...and ate it all!! Then dyed 120 eggs!!!!!! So. Much. Fun!!
    Hope your week is sunny and bright!!

    1. Y'all for sure do things in a big way must love it all! Hugs!

  3. Spring is my favorite time in Texas! I used to plant my pots around this time. Unfortunately, we still have snow on the ground. Have a great week, Betsy.

    1. Hi Katie...yes, I see that the NE is still in the depths of winter. I missed the spring in Texas so much while living in Maine....keep your spirits up....stay cozy!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.