February 12, 2017


We are having visitors in a few days!
The Divine Miss M and her family will be
headed our way for a little "home time"
so plans are underway to make the most of these few days!

I am always on the look out
for new flavors and brands of tea.
This cranberry tea blend is SO aromatic and smooth.
I know Luke is going to love this one! 

Do you happen to collect tea tins?
They can be a darling addition to your kitchen I think!

I also want to find different little cookies
to serve at tea time...these maple creams are heavenly!

Now we must work on our tea sandwiches....
this is going to be so much fun!
Tea time around 3:00 in the afternoon is such a destressor!


  1. Betsy I love that you are planning tea for your family when they visit! I had a cabinet full of tea tins that I recently put in the recycle bin. I saved some that were special, but really I get a new tin with each purchase of tea. Have a wonderful time planning for your loved one's visit. ♥

    1. Such a lovely person you are Martha Ellen! I just love being blogging friends with such a lovely soul! Blessings for a beautiful week!

  2. What fun to plan for tea when your family visits. I am more of a coffee drinker than a drinker of tea but i love the ritual that accompanies tea making. Have fun finding some wonderful cookies to go with your tea. xo Diana

    1. I'm with you Diana...more of a coffee drinker...but tea in winter and fall is a must have! Hugs for a beautiful week ahead!

  3. Those are some of my favorite cookies for tea time. Where were yours packaged? Have a great time with your family!

    1. I found these at Kroger Vee. If they are not available to you in a nearby grocery, then you can order them from Amazon! They are really delightful!

  4. I was not a tea fan, but my sister introduced me to pomegranate flavored green tea. I love it and now it is my favorite morning ritual! Enjoy your visit with your daughter, sil and grandson!

    1. That just sounds so, so good Connie. Thank you for visiting today and enjoy your week!

  5. I'll be interested in the tea sandwiches you come up with! I'm always looking for ideas for those. When the quads are here, we play a tea party game and you have to collect all the components for tea....plate, napkin, tea cup/saucer and: fruit, tea sandwich, buns, and pastry. So now when we have tea parties - they count to make sure we have all the items!
    You make every visit to Estelle's special...thank you!

    1. Ah yes, Linda, you have taught them well. Tea time will be wonderful memories for them! Have a wonderful week love!


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