November 1, 2023


Thanksgiving is now upon us and it can look
different as the years pass...
not all family members can be together and sometimes
we celebrate a few days after that special Thursday due to
other commitments, 
This year, I am changing things up a bit for our
formal gathering by using our wedding china
and some vintage porcelain plates I thrifted off of Ebay...

I also found these beautiful autumn cloth napkins from 
a darling Etsy shop...I felt they were perfect to reflect the autumn season...

The centerpiece has some favorite decor pieces and mostly
muted shades of cocoa brown....
Thanksgiving has always been our favorite holiday
as we are grateful for our family and
just being together as we count our blessings....

Now let's talk Christmas......


Hello's the HOLIDAY SEASON....
the most joyous time of the year....let's celebrate our days, shall we?
Now, for some reason, I am finding my happiness in the smallest of details....
my beautiful pumpkin collection, the beauty of of designing our Thanksgiving table,
and planning for the Christmas farmhouse tablescape.....
I am wanting to find a new accent plate and have narrowed down my
favorites to these four....

As I grow older, my heart always longs for Christmas past...
going home to my parents and feeling the warmth of their
home, and the wonderful homemade goodies they had prepared for us....
it's a reminder that nothing is permanent in life,,,,make the memories count.....

Winter brings the quiet hush of falling snow and 
the scent of gatherings bring us such
excitement of dining with family and friends....

I have the mugs in this collection and may decide
to mix and match patterns.
I adore Cardinals at Christmas, don't you?

This pattern reminded me so very much of Grandmother Estelle....

I fell in love with these beautiful plaid napkins....
wouldn't we all love to sit down for dinner in this home?

Oh the countryside vibe in this look....
it's lovely to have the option of going for a casual look,
in addition to going with a full formal, elegant dining experience....

Okay, this look just fills the feeling of home for the holidays......

This design is the goblets...I may have to consider
this for the inspiration in the formal dining room.....

The tree will be wrapped with twinkling lights as we are
reminded of the message of the season....
We will welcome the children and grandbabies home
with mugs of hot cocoa, along with conversations and laughter
as we feel the chill in the air....

I will tell you, that after much searching and shopping the internet,
I chose something totally different than anything featured in
this's going to be a very different look for me
and I am soooo excited to pull this tablescape together....
stay tuned....if decorating is your passion, it's the very thing
that can bring us joy.....

I hope this bit of inspiration has been helpful in the planning of
your holiday let's bake cookies. make a good vegetable soup
and start decorating.....


  1. Those tables are all beautiful! I really like the autumn cloth napkins and plaid always wins my heart!

  2. It was so fun to look at all these ideas, Betsy. And like you, the season starts in November for me too! I have to say that my favorite of the plates is the Santa one. It's jolly with lots of red, and I love red at Christmastime. I also love those beautiful plates that remind you of your grandmother. They look old, and the pattern is just a soft design reminding us of our past loved ones. I also like pine cones for decorating around the holidays. At the home shop I recently came across some pine cone candles, which were so cute. I may get one or two next time. It's such a fun time of year to decorate, and we all put our own decorating flare in our cozy homes each year. Looking forward to what you have in mind as you decorate for Christmas.


  3. ps.....your Header made my heart sing this morning. : )

  4. I have those Christmas cardinal mugs too and they are just beautiful and I am ready to get them out and use them!

  5. Such a lovely post...just reading it made me feel all warm inside! Something you said above made me think of this and smile..again! About missing going home where you were always made to feel warm and loved...the other day, my 13 yr old granddaughter told me how she loves coming to my house at Christmas because it's always so cozy and makes her tingly and happy that she has our family close! Sigh.....that made me so happy. Not only that she thought it, but that she also said it out loud to me for me to always remember!!!
    No Christmas decor for me until I get thru Nov..lil girlfriend get away next week and then I will start cooking for Turkey takes me a good solid week to get all that food bought and prepared!

  6. Ohhhh, the mystery of it all. I was trying to pick a favorite of the ones you posted and then you took a detour on us. Ha! Can't wait to see what plates you ended up getting. I adore your decorating and always enjoy your posts so much. They're inspiring, beautiful, and fun! Would you believe I'm still ordering dishes and such for Thanksgiving....have an order coming today from Pfaltzgraff. The sales always seem to get me. LOL!

  7. Wishing you a beautiful Thanksgiving season and a Joyous Christmas! This year has gone by in a flash!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.