July 31, 2023


Good Morning Kindred Spirits...
we have NEWS...BIG NEWS.....we have adopted....
Introducing...LUCILLE LOUISA MERRIWEATHER...aka, Lucy!!!
We adopted Lucy July 24th, 2023 from a wonderful rescue
non-profit located in Weatherford, Texas
These "angels on earth" are just amazing and kind....
they have saved so many kittens and cats..
May the good lord Bless them all....

Lucy was determined to make her presence known to all who visited....

I noticed her first thing when visiting the kitten room....
of course, her calico markings were so very much like our Mae Mobley....

Playing with Papa...she stole our hearts....

I took this photo to text to the children....
we knew she would be coming home with us at this point....

Lucy was one of the many kittens saved and was a bottle fed baby....

Our official adoption photo....

It did not take long for her to explore and discover new sights and smells....

And, I think she loves her new soft blanket
as she finds a sun puddle to nap in....

I feel she was sent to us and Mae is somewhat responsible....
it was very difficult to move forward and open our hearts once again...
but we are so very happy we did....she is now loved and in her forever home.....

For Lucy...we are blessed and grateful to the Lord above....
I am sure you will be seeing much more of our precious girl....
A pet to love makes a house a home....



  1. She is adorable! I'm so happy for you all!

    1. Thank you on behalf of little Lucy Deanna....she is quite a scamp...just darling...hope your remodel is going smoothly...I know once it is completed, you will enjoy the new look!

  2. You are in a wonderful place, beautiful Lucy!

    1. Hi Jackie...it is a beautiful thing to rescue a pet and provide a loving home and life..sure do appreciate your visit today...

  3. Lucy is beautiful! So thankful you rescued her but I wonder if maybe she actually rescued you two after losing Mae Mobley. Enjoy this precious fur baby.

    1. Oh Alice...how very true this is....I probably will feel the loss of Mae Mobley forever....I vow to love Little Lucy just as much...hope your summer is going well.....warm hugs from me to you!

  4. What a sweet kitty! I know you are enjoying her to the limit. I would. I miss having cats around. So, I'll just admire and love yours from afar.

    1. Hi Latane..indeed we are! She is quite the little charmer....hope you are looking forward to the fall season and enjoying the rest of summer....

  5. What a perfect kitty for you! She will bring you lots of joy!

  6. Sending a warm welcome to Miss Lucy, Betsy!! She's so pretty!! My mom has a calico cat named Zoe; she's terribly shy, but a real sweetie, just the same. I know how broken-hearted you were to lose Mae. She will always hold a special place in your heart, but Lucy will help to fill the empty space that Mae left behind. We still haven't gotten another dog yet; I think we've gotten spoiled to not having the responsibility. We've had dogs almost our whole married life, so I feel sure we will get another at some point. I'm so glad you found Lucy and that she found you. :) Have a good week, my friend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  7. I Love Lucy! What an adorable cat!

  8. 🩷🩷🩷💝💖💓!!!!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.