August 3, 2023

HOT SUMMER LIVIN' is everyone doing today?
I will confess, I am not very active during the month of August....
currently it is 107 degrees and my plants have withered from the excessive heat....
I am so thankful for the AC and glasses of cold iced tea......
There is not much going on but it is rather fun to share a 
ordinary day in the life chat with y'all...
I know I certainly love reading and seeing what's going on
at your home through your come on in and visit a few minutes..... 

Lucy girl is a funny scamp....running here and there and hopping from
place to place....she has quickly claimed us as family and seems to be
quite content and happy in her new home.....

She loves being with her people and is very social....
Mae Mobley used to sit with us on top of the desk and 
it's rather amazing, Little Lucy has done the same.....

Annual medical check-ups were completed and
it's a big relief when those are marked off the list for yet another year....

We always treat ourselves to an I-HOP breakfast after a doctor visit....
and yes, it's our favorite breakfast spot....

I have certainly slowed down on's almost too hot to eat...
but I did bake a lovely cherry pie with a streusel topping....

Now that a delicious looking pie isn't it?

And a lovely batch of blueberry muffins.....

And the last bit of news.....if you please.....

Luke the Duke will start high school, our other grandson, Noah, will be moving
to Lubbock to finish his college education and granddaughter, Miss Abbie
is enjoying her new job and seems quite happy living in west Texas...
the times, they are a changin'.....and the beat goes on......


  1. I am loving your sweet Lucy! We are enjoying 'refrigerator' weather up here in New Mexico but will be returning to the 'oven' Saturday! Louis Dean has several doctor appointments lined up for this month. I still have one to do. Yearning for cooler temps in Texas!

  2. cats on quilts- just meant to be. lucy looks adorable, and she is lucky! stay cool.

  3. Oh, I'm in love with Lucy! :D Love this video -- my mom's cat, Zoe, loves to "help" my mom make the bed every day. ;) Lucy is a lovely girl. Your cherry pie looks delicious, Betsy, and I'm sure it must be too hot to cook where you live. Whew! We were suffering with temps. in the 90's a few weeks ago. I sure hope you get some relief soon! I feel like I've watched your grandson, Luke, grow up, while reading your blog over the years -- cannot believe he's starting high school. Best wishes to him and all of you!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  4. Whew!! I can finally breathe again and catch up on your blog…have had all grandkids for past 8 days 😳😳 and to say I’m exhausted is truth!
    Your Lucy girl is so precious and I know that now your life is complete once again!
    I had a LucyLeigh not long ago so you know I love her name!
    My oven is definitely at rest after this last week and it’s definitely TOO hot to eat or cook. I’m so over summer..yearning for fall but hesitant to wish my days away!!

  5. Isn't that funny, you have a new cat, Lucy, and Nel just got a new kitty, Luca. : ) Lucy sure is a cutie, and I'm glad she's settling in, and will soon be a part of the family. Your cherry pie looks amazing. And I hope your grandson has a wonderful year in high school. I know what you mean, too hot to cook, and I'm patiently waiting for Fall. Welcome, little Lucy. I know I'll see more of you in the future.



I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.