July 23, 2023


Well, loves....
we had a terrific summer visit from our youngest grandchild...
our 15 year old Luke the Duke from his Atlanta home....
this was his summer vacation before he enters High School
and I think we made the most of his ten days here in Texas.....

What a fantastic feeling to greet your grandson at the airport gates...
His first time to fly by himself....

Of course, I found a few clothing items that will reflect his visit to Texas...
perfect fit and he really liked them...a win-win!!!

We made M&M cookies.....which were a big success

Thank goodness for the pool,
which we made good use of everyday....
let me just say, this has been a really HOT SUMMER....

Uncle Nick dropped by after a business meeting up our way and 
it was a great chance for the boys to catch up and have dinner together....

I planned one of our nights for MOVIE NIGHT....
the wine was for me...the popcorn for him

Our selection was  SOMEWHERE IN QUEENS...
a darling movie about family, basketball and the love the parents had for their child....

Then we were off to Austin......

One of our beautiful rest stops along the way.....

We had planned to have lunch at one of our favorite dining spots.....
and let me just say....I haven't had a Dr. Pepper in years,
but with the temp at 103 degrees, it tasted marvelous....

Sunday breakfast was delightful as always
and he enjoyed a big breakfast of Chicken and Waffles....

They had taken the Yogurt Parfait off the menu.
so I chose one-half of a waffle and bacon.....

It was a great visit with Uncle Rob, then we dropped him off
at his other Uncle, where we celebrated Papa's birthday...then headed home.
Even though it was a short trip, the travel and activities wore us out....
so good to be home, enjoy a relaxing bath and climb into bed....
I think my old age and the excessive heat wears us out.....

So meanwhile, while this small family village is entertaining the teen,
Mom and Dad are enjoying some vacay time over in North Carolina....

How gorgeous is this...Ashville, NC

I think we were able to pack a whole lot of fun into these
ten days....it brought his Texas family all together to spend
time that allowed us to make sweet memories.....

The time comes to say our good-byes...
The security line was pretty busy on this Saturday
at Love Field....

Papa was able to get a pass to go with him to the gate
and ensure he boarded his flight with no problems....

It did my heart good to see him safely home with his Mom and Dad..
I can tell you, this visit really made our Summer special.....

Oh the summer days are passing....but we were so very blessed
to spend time with the grand....
I hope he adds this to his memory album....



  1. AnonymousJuly 23, 2023

    What a special memory. Your Grandson is very handsome but I remember him as a cute pre-teen just a short while ago. Time flies, but making memories of family time makes the most of Summer time. Enjoy the rest of your Summer - stay cool, dog days are coming.

  2. Betsy, Luke has grown up. I know all of you enjoyed being around him. Yes, I bet it did you good to see him with his parents after he flew home. You have a beautiful family. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  3. How very special!! Loved every photo and every word of your delightful post! It's been a pleasure to watch Luke grow up.....such a good guy!

  4. You made memories together! What fun for him and you!

  5. What a wonderful visit you had with your grandson, Betsy. Flying for the first time is a big deal, and so glad he did well and made it home safely. You did lots of fun things, and I'll have to check out that movie. Move theatre popcorn is the best! And Yes, Dr. Pepper on a hot Summer day is refreshing. I have to say that your waffles and bacon sure looks good. It's nice that he had the pool to cool him during the hot days while he visited. He's a handsome young man, and I hope his high school years are the best. It was some of the happiest times for me. A sweet picture of him with his mom and dad too.


  6. Yay for your time alone with him!!! Just makes those visits a lil more special when mom and dad go away…hahahaha! My oldest son and wife went to Cabo while we had their children. Wait!! I wanted to go to Cabo too!!!!!
    We have all watched Luke grow up..what a handsome boy held become!!!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.