September 1, 2022



"There is something incredibly nostalgic and significant
about the annual cascade of autumn leaves....."
~Joe L. Wheeler

It finally rained the other afternoon and it was just glorious...
as I was watching this from my kitchen window,
I caught sight of leaves actually beginning to fall
across the greenbelt....I knew fall was on it's way!

I have tweaked a few nooks and crannies around the house,
as I work toward the completion of my seasonal decorating.
This year, less is the name of the game.
I am excited about the formal dining room design.......
I scoured the cupboards and came up with some things I LOVE...
which is how this color scheme came together. 

The rich jewel tones of autumn will be on display
in a romantic autumnal look.....

I cannot let the season pass, without bringing out some
of my Johnson Brothers pieces...
reminiscent of my mother and both grandmothers....

This is my all time favorite canvas.....
I find it stunning and beautiful...especially when the
lamp lights hits this during the hours of the gloaming......

Everything I designed this year, happened 
by chance....and I like how imperfect it is....
my mother-in-law's cruet set....

One of my all time favorite little pieces....years old

The floral arrangements are stuffed to the brim
with various stems from here and there....

One of my treasured pieces....
Mother's vintage bean pot.....

I look forward to that first harvest dinner........
when the candles glow in the dining room
and nightfall comes earlier and our evenings grow longer.

I hope you will come along with me,
as we celebrate our gifts of the fall season...
cozy interiors, pumpkin carving and seasonal recipes!


  1. So lovely, Betsy. I am amazed how beautifully everything came together. I think there is a creative decorator with a good eye behind it all. 🌻

    1. You are so kind Vee, to visit today and leave such a lovely comment! I am wishing you a beautiful autumn season ahead....have a lovely and blessed day!

  2. Everything is so pretty as it always is when you get to decorating. I must be slow or lazy... everyone is decorating for fall and I haven't even thought about it yet. Woe is me.

    1. Hi Latane....those of us who fall in love with autumn just cannot be is music to our souls....I wish you a beautiful autumn season, and eventually, I think you may get in the mood to bake and decorate...thank you for stopping by today and leaving such a sweet comment...warm hugs!

  3. Well, we are about to get the rain you just had and I am anticipating a cozy rainy afternoon. Been trying all morning to get motivated enough to pull out the fall garnishes; but alas, I just can't seem to get there yet. We've got another attack of virus in our family (my heart patient son) and I am in constant angst over how his body wil deal with it. As mothers, so we EVER stop worrying????? Makes me so tired.
    So....until I get the word that he has turned the corner, think I'll just spend my aft reading instead of decorating. It will be there tomorrow...or the next...or the next!! Loving your fall touches in your lovely home. Can't wait to see your menus!!!

    1. I am so sorry to hear that Janey. Our granddaughter just came down with Covid for the second it is still around. Yes, there is time for decorating down the road..hope all goes well!

  4. Trying over and over again, to comment. Perhaps this time will work....

    "....... autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings,
    and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all,
    leaping into leaves!"
    ~Winnie the Pooh

  5. Yessss!!! I again can comment!!!!

    Wanted to say that your grandson is a handsome young man.

    And that your September Header and blog look, are delightful as always.

    Also happy to see that your Autumn decorations are not totally a pale theme. I do love the jewel colors you show here. :-)

    Happy, Happy September!!!!!

    "....... autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings,
    and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all,
    leaping into leaves!"
    ~Winnie the Pooh

    1. What a darling quote from WINNIE the Pooh! I absolutely love that! And thank you for visiting and commenting today....I so appreciate this! And of course, I could never go without adding that glorious fall color to our about you?

  6. It's all beautiful!! My first fall hosting of a family and friends dinner will be on my birthday - September 24th. We will be celebrating all the late summer and fall son Benjamin, mine, first born grandson Sam, Levi born in October and son Jesse born on November 24th - born on a Thanksgiving Day and it falls on Thanksgiving again this year when he will join me and his uncle and aunt and other extended family as we do Thanksgiving at Deanie's. Nita and Mike hosted for years and years......It will be a bittersweet celebration. The Celebration of Life Service for Nita will be on November 5th - which would have been her 69th birthday. I am thinking about where we will do Christmas morning this year.....perhaps here at my house since it is a smaller group of siblings and close relatives and friends.

  7. How special that your china reminds you of your mother and grandmother. I love that canvas piece, it's so Autumn looking. How funny those decorative squirrels are with the acorn. I just saw the big oak tree at the creek bursting with acorns, and the mischievous squirrel eating them. That glittery bird is sweet too. You have a way with decorating with all the seasons, Betsy.



I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.