September 6, 2022


We are early into the Harvest season.....

I love to refer to fall as this since it reminds me
so very much of spending fall at my Grandmother's in Ohio...
We would visit all those beautiful rural Ohio farms where
the owners would be on their tractors most of the day
harvesting crops for the fall and winter season.
Neighbors would come to her back porch
and leave all sorts of fresh produce as a gift..... 

This is our first, in a series of Harvest Dinners I plan to share with you.
We had company for dinner on this particular evening,
and it was going to be casual, but delicious home cooking!

A small seasonal centerpiece is a good idea to make your guests
enjoy the dinner meal.......
tonight, our menu was Mississippi roasted chicken, roasted vegetables,
a creamy corn pudding and fresh hot blackberry muffins!

The chicken was to die for.....flavorful and moist
topped with all that rich gravy.....

Fresh vegetables of peppers, red onion, squash and mushrooms......

I always want friends and family to delight in the appearance and 
definitely the taste of their food!
I know when they take their first bite...and exclaim....
"oh my gosh...this is DELICIOUS", I have succeeded!!

Every one should know how to make a delicious corn pudding..
it's a southern staple side dish and marvelous to serve any time of year.
A delightful fragrance of fresh corn, cream and nutmeg will fill the kitchen.

I like to invest in pretty serving pieces and have
wanted a beautiful bread basket exactly like this one.
When I came across this at Kroger, I knew it was going
to be perfect for all the autumn dinners we will be having!

I originally published the recipe here

These muffins are light and not overly sweet
with great flavor from those big juicy blackberries!

Serve the muffins in a beautiful bread basket
with a pretty napkin and plenty of butter on the side!

For a sweet ending to dinner,
I opted to try these mini Cannoli tarts...
light and creamy with a hint of orange zest.....


I hope this provided you with a few ideas
to host your own Harvest dinner.....
ENJOY ....see y'all next time! 


  1. Always a delight to visit Estelle's! Great food, beautiful photos, generous hostess!

  2. Corn pudding? Don't believe that I have ever had the pleasure. I'll look into that! Your meal does look wonderfully delicious. I can't imagine that your family would ever be anything but delighted at your table.

  3. What can I say! Perfection!

  4. If I lived in Texas, I'd invite myself over to your house for dinner!!! Everything looks so delicious. I love your idea of sharing Harvest Dinners with us. We host family dinners on Sundays and I'm always looking for new recipes and menus. You have such a beautiful and cozy blog.

  5. Hi Betsy,

    Oh I love your fall centerpiece!! The colors are so perfect for my favorite season of the year. :) Thank you so much for sharing these recipes with us -- they look delicious! Those blackberry muffins -- oh my goodness! I know we're all ready for some cooler temps. (all over the country, it seems). Thank you for getting us started with some cozy fall spirit.

    Have a great week, Betsy!!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  6. Hi Betsy, Lovely post as always. I was once set up to receive an email with each of your new post, but apparently my name has been removed from your list. I clicked on the subscribe button to register again, but it just gives me a whole page of script. Am I doing something wrong?

  7. HI Myrtle Mary....Blogger no longer supports or offers to email option...they discontinued that some time ago. This is why that option is no longer featured on my blog. If you would still like to follow me, simply go to the web address directly! I hope this helps!

  8. The mini cannoli tarts look scrumptious. I am enjoying seeing all your Fall goodies around your house, and have already started decorating myself. It's my favorite season. I was going to comment on your recent post, but noticed that critter on there, eeeek! I have a dreadful fear of mice and rats, so I had to turn the page to this post. The blackberry muffins look so good. I just made some blueberry bread. So many fun and wonderful things around your house, Betsy. Your posts make me smile every time I visit, and I am catching up on all the creative ideas you have.



I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.