May 2, 2011

Gardening By The Yard!

The Maine House played in the dirt this past weekend. Finally, finally, Maine is experiencing greener pastures. There are tiny buds beginning to appear on the pear and birch trees, the wild rose bushes are sprouting little green leaves and the iris's are shooting up through the earth. It is so hard to wait until May to see blooms of color, but I can tell you, when they do appear....Maine is breathtaking. So often, back in Texas, it was almost an impossible task of keeping anything growing during those summer months of extreme, baking heat. In this area, I am thrilled that the money we spend on plantings, thrives beautifully all season. The local nurseries are packed with beauty and people were loading up their cars with annuals and young trees. There seems to be something rewarding about taking your little trowel and digging away, carefully placing color where you choose and then sitting back, in solitude, while the birds sing away and the squirrels and chipmunks scurry around, almost letting you know they are thanking you for their earthly sanctuary...all at one with God! We even spotted a wild turkey wandering around the back magical!

We planted Pansies in the front stone planter

Boston Fern Hanging Baskets on the Front Porch Entryway

Pink and Yellow Gerber Daisies in Tucker's Garden
This is Daddy's angel which we bought for Mother and our beloved Golden Retreiver, Tucker's memorial marker given to us by Miss Judy. They have been in gardens from Mississippi, to Texas and now to Maine

Creeping Phlox, Dusty Miller and White Candtuft in the Garden Shed Beds
The Dogwood Bloomed this past week

Now, with some tender loving care and Miracle's hoping! The ordered shipment of Cottage Farms and Roberta's Garden plants are due to arrive at the end of the month. Bulbs will be planted mid-month. That's a "good thing" as Darling and I needed some massage therapy after our weekend workout......Happy Planting Ya'll!

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