December 19, 2023


Good Morning Kindred Spirits.....
here we are beginning the final week before
Christmas's hard to believe how fast this month has flown by.....

I have really enjoyed each and every decoration I put out on display
this year, keeping in mind it's on the minimalist side.....

As I grow older, I love to fill my mind with all the
Christmas pasts....from childhood, to my own children
growing up and relishing in all their excitement of the festivities,
to attending the candlelight Christmas Eve services...
such warm feelings all that evokes in my heart....


December's month of holly,
pine, and balsam of berries red;
of candles' mellow light;
of home and fireside, laughter,
happy faces of peace that
comes upon the holy night.
~Author Unknown

May your Christmas be blessed
with the joys of old,
filling the heart with gifts untold.
Friends in the doorway
bustling with cheer,
carolers singing the songs we hold dear
~Mildred Jarrell

When sleigh bells jingle in the lane,
and warm clad carolers make their rounds,
open your door to Christmas,
welcome it's happy sounds......

Marshmallows float in cups of hot cocoa'
pine tree fragrance fills every room'
whiffs of cinnamon waft from the kitchen,
It smells like Christmas....

At Christmas, there are luscious things to taste,
a fruited cake filled with dates and figs,
a mug of cocoa or a glass of punch,
a minty candy cane after lunch,
a juicy orange or a mellow pear,
perhaps plum pudding, elegant and rare.....

Footsteps crunch on snow packed pathways'
coins jingle as they drop in red kettles.
childish voices sing.."Away in a Manger"....
It sounds like Christmas time.....

At Christmas there are joyful things to hear...
the sound of church bells ringing deep and clear.
the festive singing voices of a choir,
a snap of twigs, the crackling of a fire,
the story told at bedtime over and over..
of peace on earth, goodwill forevermore.....

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories 
and love of kindred, and
we are better throughout the year 
for having, in spirit, become a child again
at Christmas time....Laura Ingalls Wilder

When we recall Christmas past, we usually find
that the simplest of things, not the great occasions,
give off the greatest glow of happiness....Bob Hope

At Christmas there are lovely things to see-
behold a burst of colors on the tree,
and cozy rooms awash with candlelight,
and stars that stitch bright patterns in the night....
ribbons, wrapping done in reds and greens..
and through the window, winter snowfall scenes....

Merry Christmas Kindred Spirits.....
Be blessed and Be Kind...


  1. You have such beautiful Christmas decor! Lovely thoughts! -Jenn

  2. Merry Christmas Betsy. I enjoyed hearing all the delightful quotes. And the Laura Ingalls Wilder quote has been a favorite of mine for years. The Nativity set is so pretty. I haven't put mine out since I moved, but it's a beautiful one that I got from Costco with the Holy Family and Wise Men wearing real fabric clothes and jewels. Those tarts look really good. And I love your jolly snowman. Your tree is wonderful too. Have a Merry Christmas week, my friend. : )


  3. Your reflection on the holiday season, blending memories of Christmas past with the joy of minimalist decorations, creates a nostalgic and heartwarming atmosphere. Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with cherished moments!

    Check out this page for information on Christmas furniture collection 2023 discounts and special offers on furniture.


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.