November 9, 2023



We are a little more than a week away from Thanksgiving....
the fall season seems to have flown by in the blink of an eye...
it's been a very mild this far as weather goes
which makes it feel hardly noticeable, truth be told.
However, all the anticipation and preparations that goes along
with the Thanksgiving gathering brings joy!

My family loves the traditional menu....
the darling looks forward to the cheese ball....every year....

Hot apple cider warms the hands while the turkey is frying....

The green bean casserole has always been a favorite of our youngest....

The boys are in charge of the turkeys this year....while the darling
continues to recover from knee replacement surgery..
they are smoking two and frying one.....

The day before, I will be baking the pumpkin pie....

And my pecan pie.....
I also prepare the homemade cranberry sauce and
a lovely Jello salad....
The appetizer table will also be arranged....

You can laugh till you cry when these boys get together....

I am hoping for a lovely cool day for the turkey fry.....
oh the aroma that fills the air is heavenly....

The one new recipe I am featuring this year will be Autumn Punch...

2 fresh squeezed limes
2 cups Vodka
2 cups Blood Orange Liqueur
1 container White Cran-Stawberry Juice
1 container Cran-Mango Juice
Fresh Lime slices

Warm blessings for a blessed Thanksgiving day to you all......


  1. Your pecan pie looks amazing, Betsy. There's just something about pecan pie that gets to me every holiday season, I love it! Oh my goodness, three turkeys, that sounds wonderful! My sister used to make the green bean casserole in the past on special occasions. Your cups for the hot apple cider are delightful. And we have the cheese ball and crackers every Christmas too. Love that turkey plate that your cheese ball is on.
    Your Autumn punch will be a nice addition to the dinner. The picture of the boys is a fun one, and such a treasured photo. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Betsy.


  2. Oh family time is the best. I laughed seeing your boys laughing. Your menu is awesome as always. The pretty things you serve your meals with is heartwarming. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.