September 13, 2023


 Good Morning to all the lovers of the Fall season...
I am spending these hot triple digit days indoors
and making my way throughout our home
decorating for the harvest.....and it's been So ENJOYABLE....

It's always a surprise to me on how a vignette will look when finished
since I just begin to add pieces here and there...
I am loving how the entryway table came together....
This year, I decided to pull out certain décor pieces I just love using
and putting them in places I can see everyday and appreciate....
I love also am loving this color scheme.

I adore seasonal books to display in various nooks and crannys

Don't you just love the colors and design of this leaf plate?

I have had this little amber glass turkey dish for years and every year,
he appears in a tablescape...

I pulled florals from one vase and designed a new look
for this vase, which was just perfect for this vignette..

A touch of whimsy...ever so sweet 

I plan on trying to read The Wind and the Willows if I can
see the small's been a favorite of my children's from years ago....

The fun of those of us who love to decorate our home is the sheer
beauty and enjoyment it gives back to us and to those we love....
this gives me a sense of joy and peace when I look at each piece...
it's also evokes memories of days gone by of my wonderful childhood
and how very special those autumn days were...
Happy Fall Y'all!


  1. Oh, I so love the little Squirrels.

  2. It's looking elegantly FALL LIKE in your home! I still have the gazebo to do - it's still wearing the lemon yellow and honey bee theme things. But today I have decided to clean and decorate the guest room. Just as soon as Louis Dean gets up from his nap!!

  3. Everything looks so nice, Betsy. You went with the neutral colors this Fall. That glass turkey is pretty, and I love the squirrels, although I'm not too fond of them when they scurry on my lawn every day haha. Your little book adds something to the decor too. Your entryway table is decorated wonderfully for the season.



I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.