August 28, 2023



Happy Monday Kindred Spirits....
Yes, we are all longing for the new season to begin
and dreaming of cooler's coming...hopefully sooner than later.

I don't know about you, but I love creating "mood boards"
for the different helps me decide on color palettes
and turning thoughtful designs into realities!

I have some ways to go before I call the fall decorating complete....
and that's probably a good thing...I want to take my time and
mark the first of September as my target date to complete 
the's been marvelous to gather inspiration
from others as they transform their homes into Autumn....

I plan on going through all the bins in the next few days
and donate old favorites, only keeping those things I am in love with....

We lost a dear friend a few days ago, which was a reminder
to treasure our days, and each other...
Wishing you all a beautiful week ahead...keep on dreaming.....


  1. So sorry about your seems to be the order of business these days around here......sad.
    AND I just got the call that 2 granddaughters tested + this morning for "the" disease. And i was with them for the past month...hoping it doesn't come my way.
    But in GOOD news????? We got 1/2 inch of rain last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG....haven't had a drop of it since sometime in first of July....and it feels glorious this morning!!! Except for the humongous copperhead my yard guys found in my yard this morning.....
    Maybe....just maybe we may have made the turn from triple digits....I swear 91 this morning feels like WINTER is right around the corner!!!!!

  2. Betsy, I'm so sorry to hear your dear friend passed away. Sending thoughts of comfort to you on this Monday morning. That picture looks sooooo Fall, I love it! I just decorated a bit also, and put a few things out. But like you, I have given away lots of things, and have only kept the treasured things I love. All the Fall decor looks lovely on your piano. It's getting cooler here, and when I got in my car, it was in the 50's. Oh my, this wonderful season is about to begin! Your Fall mood board is a great idea!


  3. I'm so sorry for your's hard. Saying a prayer for you and the family of your friend......
    I love your Mood Board! And I am in a Fall Mood what with temps below 100 degrees today!!! And we got a little rain yesterday! Hope you did, too. We were in Dallas and at the Bells - with clouds but no rain!

  4. Reading about losing your friend made me sad... I didn't know her but she was someone you cared about, that her family and friends will miss.
    A Mood Board... well, that's a novel idea. I love it.

  5. Betsy, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. Life is so precious and it seems like it's flying by. You'll be my prayers. I love your mood board. I'm trying to hold off decorating for fall until after Labor Day, but I'm itching to get going! You've inspired me to keep only what I love and donate the rest.

  6. So sorry for the loss of your friend. Prayers for all who are missing your friend. I love your mood board, fantastic idea. I really like your piano display.


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.