June 28, 2023


Hello Loves.....
well, here we are in mid-June and just getting started on the patio
and putting together our outdoor living space.
I feel we are a bit late to the party but the weather has been
uncooperative to have several days of warm sun....a bit humid and storms
have rolled in....but we persevered and can finally enjoy the results 
of our efforts!

Finally....the tedious task of pressure washing the entire patio and around
the pool....everything is clean from those winter months.....feels and looks
so good.....

Outdoor accessories are just plain enjoyable.....

I found a few items I wanted to incorporate this year from Walmart...
love this calming buddha with the tiny succulent....he evokes
a feeling of calmness and peace, don't you think?

I try not to put anything expensive outdoors just in case
we have high winds or hail.....
I found the aqua little planters on the dollar isle at Target...

I have also started using faux florals outdoors in these little planters
as they last throughout summer....it gets too hot for live plants....

And, I LOVE her....such an interesting and thoughtful expression .....

And of course, vibrant new floral pillows...

The quality of the pillow covers is excellent...
I purchase all my pillow covers from Amazon
and they usually are priced anywhere from $8.00 to $16.00.

I love my little tabletop fountain....I
am somewhat amazed it has lasted for the past three years....

I am also loving the touches of vibrant pink everywhere...good decision!

Enjoy the Zen........

We have so much to celebrate in July..
three family birthdays and our youngest grandchild
will be spending ten days with us...
Luke the Duke, who turned 15 in June,
will be flying by himself for the first time ever....
to visit his Texas family....we have big plans
which will include a trip to Austin to visit his Uncle....
we are over the moon excited....
Mom and Dad will be off on a well needed rest and relaxation vacay.....


  1. It's looking beautiful at your place! How exciting to have Luke come for a visit!! You will have some serious FUN!!

  2. Wow! I'm so amazed he's 15! That is going to be so much fun for you all! Your pool area looks so beautiful. I love all your pretty flowers and the comfortable seating!

  3. Your outdoor accessories are very charming, and I love that little fountain. The sound of water trickling is so calming, isn't it? The little pots from Target are so cute. You know, the dollar section at Target is my favorite. Always find something fun and cute there. You're all ready to enjoy your back yard area now, and you found some great things. And this is a dear picture of your grandson. So glad you get to see him soon. Our grandchildren make our hearts smile. : )



I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.