September 13, 2022


Good Morning kindred spirits...
I HOPE this finds you all feeling well and happy
on this September morn.....

I finished the Butler's Pantry décor and am just loving it....
I so enjoy decorating this space for the holidays.....
it's cozy and full of holiday dishes, crystal and all sorts of beverages.

Now, let's talk fried pies....
I started out as a non-believer
in making fried pies from canned biscuits.....
My way of thinking was that you should always
prepare a homemade pie crust dough for the pie to taste it's best!
However, I had never actually tasted a biscuit fried
I felt I should see for myself how the two compared..........

I love fried pies for fall baking and I had all the ingredients on hand....
One can of flaky GRAND BISCUITS
Fresh raspberries and fresh blueberries
One can of sliced freestone peaches, drained
Roll each biscuit out to a 4-6 inch circle, using a rolling pin
Fill the center with fruit
Fold the biscuit over to form a half moon and crimp the edges to seal.
Place in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Fry each pie in vegetable oil, until lightly browned.
Remove from oil, and glaze with 
powdered sugar, milk and almond flavoring.
Serve warm!
Did they pass the taste test?

Well, would you believe THESE WERE DELICOUS!
So, there you have it...
relatively inexpensive to make and a great way to use
a can of fruit, or leftover fresh berries.....
I can't imagine what I was thinking....
what southern girl could resist fried biscuit dough???
Y'all will have fun with this little recipe....enjoy!!!!


  1. Well, I never! Never would have thought about using biscuit dough but I bet I will be making some fried pies soon! As a little girl, I remember a neighbor who had lots of children and she made chocolate fried pies. She wore a great big apron and had flour smudges all over her. I thought she was wonderful.

  2. These sound so good. I have never had a fried pie, but now I think I will try one.

  3. The fried pies look so Yummy. I wish I had one.....or three to go with my tea right now. ; )



I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.