September 18, 2020


Hello in the world are y'all doing these days?
As promised, we are dropping by Miss M's Atlanta home
to catch glimpses of her beautiful fall decor....
She is a September baby so she will be celebrating
a birthday in the next week....and
one of her gifts we sent her was that gorgeous
glass hurricane!
I LOVE her table runner she found at Home Goods!!!
I think this finally gave her the itch to begin decorating
in between her working from home job, as well as
keeping Luke the Duke on track with virtual school days!

I am waiting until October to put out my
outdoor seasonal pillows and garden flags..
then we will be sprucing up the entryway
buying Mums and pumpkins!!!!
I cannot wait for that!

We have the kitchen farmhouse table set for the season...

even though it's just the two us, dinner time
can be a little extra special with a pretty place setting!

I am also loving my little kitchen workstaton

which features mostly black and white fall decor..
with a new cookbook and a touch of farmhouse style.....

Do you love door hangers as much as I do....
it's a little touch to welcome those you love
as they enter your home for the holidays..
even though it may look a bit different this season...
I still love them however....
I found this one at HOBBY LOBBY....


Since we are still hibernating at home these days,
the kitchen has a flurry of activity everyday...
these are recipes worth noting...

I tried this crockpot recipe from a You Tube vlog,
which was a delicious Kielbasa over Rice Pilaf.....

This dinner was amazing....
this chicken, rice and mushroom dinner
was one of Libby Murphy's all time favorites..
I so miss my friend Libby who created Twirl and Taste
which was one of the first blogs I ever followed...
she was a fabulous creator of foods and entertaining
over in Jackson, Tennessee....

This recipe is like a light Strawberry Shortcake...
using frozen strawberries, Angel Food Cake and Strawberry Jello....
topped with sweetened whipped cream.....

I pulled out a little cookbook we were given as a gift
when we were thinking of relocating to Albuquerque, New Mexico many years ago....
the Realty company of Hooten/Stahl published three
cookbooks featuring recipes from Presidents, First Ladies,
celebrities and friends...and this little cookbook
contains THE BEST recipes ever....
this was a delightful apple crisp using Cream of Coconut pudding mix....

How about a warm batch of Peanut Butter cookies......

Puzzles are still in high demand, but I did
find myself fortunate enough to come across this beauty...
it is absolutely stunning......

This is a favorite new candle....
Harry Slatkin of course.....


We had a little upset one morning where the darling
spilled an entire cup of morning coffee in
Mae Mobley's family room bed....
therefore....he had to treat her to a new bed from Amazon.....
she can snuggle....she loves it......

Love the velvet pumpkins.....

I invite you to stop by next week as I will be sharing
two fabulous fall recipes...
a lovely Autumn Harvest Soup which I will be making
in my beautiful new dutch oven
and also a most delicious vegetable side dish
of roasted Brussels Sprouts with
Maple Bacon and dried cranberries...
for a sweet old southern favorite
known as Strawberry Cream Pie!!!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!


  1. That coffee spilling in Miss Mae's bed sounds convenient to me. Better than on the carpet. ๐Ÿ™‚ Everything looks lovely at your daughter's home (you know her style) and everything always looks lovely here...smells good, too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Hi Vee....I'll just bet your fall weather has arrived up there in Maine...believe it or not, it's arrived in Texas too! Stay well and safe dear one!

  2. Betsy, Your daughter has your decorating knack. I loved seeing both table settings. I think you have your grandmother's cooking abilities. Those meals are tasty looking and healthy. Your husband is the puzzle master. LOL Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. are so sweet...hope things are well and happy at your home these you have your pumpkins and mums for the season....isn't it such a happy time of the year...we all need that I think!

  3. Beautiful fall decor! At least the wx here in the DFW area is a bit more tolerable and helps us to think fall! Would you mind sharing the recipe for the apple crisp? It looks and sounds delish! Enjoy the weekend!


    1. Hi Pat....yes, I would be happy to share the apple crisp's a great one! Look for this next week and thank you for visiting today!

  4. Hi, Betsy. I just found your blog through Pinterest and decided to stop by. So glad I did. Your blog is just beautiful...such exquisite photos. That's one of my biggest issues with my own blog. I want to learn to make better photographs. I recently decorated for FALL...earlier than usual...but I was just tired of all this south GA hot weather and looking at the same old same old due to the virus!!! Now I'm off to look at more of your beautiful blog.

    1. Welcome to Estelle''s very happy you visited today....thank you for your sweet comments...I'll try to find your blog also...happy Fall season!

  5. I make that strawberry angel Food cake dessert, too. So good. Everything looks beautiful at your home and your daughter's! We are at the ranch but Summer is staying at our house while she recovers from her recent hand surgery. I have a HUGE sunflower puzzle going and I do believe she may finish it before I get home. I love puzzles but the big ones intimidate me in my old age!

    1. Enjoy your time in the country Linda...looking forward to all the photos!

  6. Good morning, Betsy. Your daughter has inherited your talents in making a warm, inviting home. Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Katie...hope your move goes smoothly and I think y'all will be quite happy being back in the great state of Texas!

  7. Your daughter's home is just as warm and inviting as yours. Just lovely. Please wish her a Happy Birthday! All the food looks so good and I'm looking forward for some new recipes. Lastly, little Miss Mae Mobley is so sweet. Love your videos!

    1. You are so very kind Ellen...thank you! Love having you visit and hope you are enjoying your days in September....wishing you the best!

  8. ohmy! perfect tiny videos on an equally enchanting post.
    so glad Miss Mae wasn't IN the bed when the coffee came down!
    one of those... It Must Have Been Meant To Be moments!
    a new bed for a perfect little diva! lol :) xoxo

    1. Oh Miss Tammy....Mae and I both thank you for stopping by and leaving such wonderful comments...much appreciated..and yes! I'm thankful she was not IN the bed too! Hugs and blessings to you!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.