January 3, 2023


Good Morning Loves...
Can you believe how fortunate we are....
The good Lord has blessed us with a New Year.....
we have more sunrises and more sunsets....
we have moments of family celebrations to look forward to....
we can plan our summer gardens..
we can prepare a delicious heartwarming soup
on a cold Winter's day......
we can hug the grandbabies over and over again.....
we can sit down with a friend and sip on
a cup of coffee and share a piece of cake.....

I love days where I am productive.
Our tree is still up and I am enjoying it
a little longer this year.....
I tackled my closet with purpose....
I no longer need a lot of clothes so why not
donate them to someone who does need them!
And, I love the neatly organized closet I now have!
I carefully folded all the throws and pillows
I have according to colors and seasons....
it's marvelous...such a good feeling!

Our son in Austin is moving to a new townhome
and he graciously said I could help with his décor!
so we discussed his interests and decided on a theme...
then I would send him suggestions on colors and
items I thought he would enjoy....
so in the end, he was decorating his living space
with a tiny touch of help from Mom......
He will now have two bedrooms so we can visit
more often and not have the expense of a hotel room....
I'm so excited for him...I'll take pictures to share with
y'all soon......new beginnings!!!

This was the  menu for New Year's Day.....

Monkey Bread....haven't made this in ages......

A morning cup of coffee in my new Emma Bridgewater mug....

A beautiful New Year's napkin.....

Fresh strawberries and bananas

The aroma of cinnamon and sugar is the best ever.....

What a beautiful way to begin the morning of a brand NEW YEAR!!!

Just delightful.....

Of course...Blackeye PEAS for good fortune...
a southern tradition!

These were delicious...
and truth be told, I am not a huge fan of blackeye peas,
but these were simply marvelous after simmering most of the day!

A herb and garlic pork roast smothered in Sauerkraut.....
my family's tradition since I was a child.....
it always makes me miss Mother and Daddy.....

And we ended the day with champagne.....
talking into the evening....
about life...past, present and the future....
Be blessed and be kind....
love y'all to bits, to bits, to bits.......


  1. It is a rare compliment to be asked to help with decor. High praise indeed, Betsy! He won't regret it.

    I groaned just a little with your title—productive and organized. I am neither these days, but I should try harder.

    My closet could surely use some attention.

    Your new mug is great: Eggs Toast Newspapers and Coffee. I remember fondly the days of Sunday newspapers.

    Happy 2023! Thank you for the cheerful, upbeat message today.

  2. Wasn't it a wonderful thing Vee, to browse the massive Sunday newspaper? Oh, those were the days....believe me, I have plenty of days where I do nothing...no motivation at all....but, then it's time to get going....why waste the time and the day !!! Hope you are going to experience a happy and healthy 2023...I hope we all do....warm hugs!

  3. ok. so many things!! First and foremost....Happy Happy New Yr to ya'll!!! and oh what fun...helping the son decorate!! and most importantly, how cool that he asked you to....that, to me, is just as cool as the actual decorating!! Looked like you had the best Christmas ever with your loved ones...so happy for you and all your planning and decorating was a huge success! I must find those celebration napkins...what fun for all the birthdays I'm getting ready to have to host! Also, is sauerkraut a northern thing?? I've seen two of my peeps talk about that for new yrs dishes and I've not heard of that before. I do love me some sauerkraut but no one around here will eat it with me!! Lastly, how bout you and I get together in this new yr and have that cup of coffee and piece of cake together????!!!
    Hoping to get my xmas/new yrs post up soon. We had a superspreader Christmas at our house. DIL came on xmas eve sick with fever (insert roll eyes here) and 6 of the 14 of us all got strain A flu. Some worse than others...some in ER...it has just been horrible. Thankfully, I've escaped it so far.......
    But now reading all about your fun has given me incentive to get back on my blogging horse...!!

    1. Happy New Year Janey! That nasty virus has been circling everywhere....y'all stay well please! Cannot wait for your holiday posts...I have been waiting and wondering if you were moving away from your blog! Yes, pork and sauerkraut is a northern tradition...both of my parents were from Ohio and I was the only southerner in our family! So I think I had the best of both worlds. The beautiful sign of Estelle's was created and made for me by son's significant other...I was so surprised and very touched...I simply adore this! Yes, we must meet for a glass of vino sometime this year!

  4. I always feel good after visiting your blog! Such an uplifting writer you are. Happy New Year. Can't wait to see pics of your son's place!

  5. Yes, the aroma of cinnamon in the kitchen is wonderful. Your garlic pork with sauerkraut looks delicious. And I love your coffee cup. It's good that you tackled your closet. That's not always a pleasant thing to do. And giving clothes away that you no longer need or want is so good of you. Your Header warms my heart, Betsy. I think it's the most charming I've seen in the new year. : )



I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.