April 29, 2020


Hello all you Love Bugs out there....
I so hope this finds you well and happy at home....
I hope you have a garden of flowers, some books for the hours,
good health and lots of glorious love in your hearts....

Here is a look around the family this past week.....

One of our sons packed up his family and the dogs and
went on a canoe and camping trip down the Brazos river...
These kiddos know how to camp and be prepared for most anything......
that's Franz under the umbrella so as to protect him from the sun....

It's amazing how well they packed
to take food and camping supplies in three canoes.....

I think the dogs were enjoying this more than their people.....

A good weekend getaway idea where you are not around anyone
outside of your family......helps to break up the stay-at-home blues....


Over in Atlanta, Miss M packed a picnic
and off they went for a beautiful hike in the woods...

This was a long hike and they enjoyed an entire afternoon
in sunshine and letting Piper run off some energy.....

Remember skipping rocks when you were a kid?


The gorgeous California Lanai....

We were delighted with a Zoom call from the Cali kids...
we discussed the current situation..layoff's, the dilemma
of the country's shutdown and then played a fun
little brain teaser game....sure do miss these two...and Bo!

Here at Estelle's....it's the new normal continuation...
working from home....cooking and baking....
and doing a lot of porch sitting.....

I am rather enjoying comfort food basics....
here's what was on the menu this past week.......

Sunday morning Buttermilk Biscuits

Homemade Vegetable Beef Soup

Beer Bread

This may have been the BEST lunch I have served during the past
few months....

Chocolate Pudding

I sincerely hope you all are well and happy...
it's a long process.....it helps to stay connected to family and friends
through social media and frequent phone calls....
Can you believe we are heading into May?

April 23, 2020


Over in Atlanta....there was a small family celebration going on....
Miss M made a fabulous birthday dinner and baked
my chocolate cake for her sweet husband.....

Even Miss Piper Rose wanted to be part
of the festivities.....until......

Ah....Piper....you are such a love!!!!!

This was a fabulous Slow Cooker recipe you may want to try...
I will definitely make this again and let me tell you...
the aroma in the kitchen was incredible.....yum-O!


This has been a good time to browse my cookbook collection
and try recipes from old favorites.....
I have always loved this one from Naomi Judd.....

I have been preparing a meatloaf for as long as I can remember...
the great thing about a meatloaf is that you can make it
with so many different ingredients...there is nothing more
comforting than a delcious meatloaf.....

Now, THIS was a great dinner....one of my Daddy's favorites!
I am using whatever is in our pantry to reduce trips to the
grocery store for the darling....I just realized I have not
been to the grocery in a month....and it will probably be a long time
before I feel comfortable doing that!

Another delicious comfort food, is Mother's Slumgullion....
normally made with macaroni, but today it was noodles....
we had this often at Grandmother's during the summer....
made with very few ingredients which makes it perfect
for our current situation!

There was this fabulous dessert served
by The Elite Cafe in Jackson years ago...

The darling and I both worked in downtown Jackson
when we were first married, and we would meet for lunch
on paydays when we could splurge a little and eat
their amazing foods....oh that sweet tea and those dinner rolls....

what fabulous memories....gone but certainly not forgotten.....


this is the closest I can come to duplicate their recipe...
a warm golden butter cake topped with homemade Vanilla Sauce.....

Puzzle of the week.....

Staying home on the patio.....a pretty good place to be!

Soothing sounds......

Nature sure can sweep away the blues......

The weather has been incredible...near perfect,
Well...this was actually Watermelon Lemonade.....

so spending time outdoors has been a welcome break......

So, it's another week.....nothing too exciting....

Mae napping with her babies.....

I feel Summer is going to be quite different....
I wonder about football season too.....and then
I worry about the fall and all the upcoming holidays....
I find myself wringing my hands at the evening news....
yet, I am grateful for the health and well being of my family....
Thank you for staying connected....sending love......

April 20, 2020


I adore Cardinals...especially at Christmas and
during the winter months....
This beautiful and vibrant Cardinal was visiting me
right outside the kitchen window one morning and I
considered him my gift for the day....
the saying goes that the sighting of a Cardinal
represents a loved one from heaven....

May you come to find comfort in and remember:
Cardinals appear when angels are near.
So go now, sit outside and drink your tea.
Keep a look out for the little red bird —
It is there, your loved one will be.


A Sunday morning breakfast of
Edna Mae's Sour Cream Pancakes with berries

I have wanted to try this Autumnal Harvest Soup
that was a feature from Trader Joe's back in the fall..
and today was the day....IT WAS MARVELOUS!

The perfect pairing of a fancy grilled cheese
and a serving of Tomato Soup...
lunch is served!

I have done more baking this past month....
just to keep busy hands.....
like homemade Cinnamon Rolls.....

The darling treated us to a gourmet dinner Saturday night....
we have tried to support our local favorite restaurants in
our area....they have been marvelous at making curbside pick up
so efficient and safe....we applaud and appreciate each of them!

This is DFW Airport.....

The strangest view I thought we would never see....
a mere ghost town......

There were no cars, no people, no planes....rows and rows
of planes just parked in rows.....quiet.....so very, very odd......

We took most of the day on the weekend
and traveled south.....
it was delightful to take a car tour of our former
city where we raised the children....
we drove by our former homes and neighborhoods
which brought back a flood of happy memories....
their schools, their friends houses, where they played,
many years of living.....oh that was just wonderful!!!

Then we drove further and suprised one of the boys,
with a phone call....saying, come outside and say hello.....
it was just what my heart needed to see the grandchilren...
from six feet away.....

Seems like all the boys are rather enjoying not shaving.....
the hardest part was staying apart...no hugs, no kisses...no touching....
but oh those faces......we needed this!

Now, for a few fun things to keep busy.....

Here is the Chcocolate Chip Cookie recipe from

maybe this is a good day to bake!!!

I am going to create a centerpiece for our formal dining table
with a French Country theme....stay tuned....
I'm using my grandmothers crystal cake stand.....
rather excited for this one......

The garden bunny I used during Easter has
found a permanent home....
he's most noble I think.....

Let's look for the positives....stay safe and live your best life!

April 16, 2020


Hello Loves....
how in the world are y'all doing this week?
Well...I am going to be very real...
I have worry and anxiety over our current state of affairs...
"when is this going to be over?"....we all ask....
I think Governor Cuomo is right when he replied,
"It's over when we have a vaccine!"
I am nervous over that too....
To me, this virus is a big UNKNOWN....
this has effected all of my family's jobs and yes,
some of them have known people personally who
have been infected with the virus and a few have lost their life..
it really hits home....
May the good lord bless us all......

Here are a few things from our home to yours
to share from the past week.....

The Divine Miss M and her sweet husband Jay
celebrated 20 years of marriage...

Their days are extremely busy with two parents working
from home and Luke continuing with his virtual schooling...
this stack line was a Christmas gift from a year ago
and they finally put it up for a little outdoor entertainment...
two hours of work for about 20 minutes of play......

Nick and Cat celebrated another wedding anniversary......

I will say how proud I am of our son
for finding creative ways to make their anniversary
quite romantic and just plain fun!
Steaks were purchased from Del Frisco's
and he said they were amazing!

These two boys must have been part of the 
furloughed wait staff........

There is nothing quite as nice as sitting around
an evening fire .......so comforting....

I received a text showing me that they were putting
their Pannini Press to good use....
a birthday gift from years ago....
makes a fabulous Cuban sandwich!!!!

Around the house......

I changed up a few decor items here and there....
I put away all the winter pillows and throws
and brought out fresh ones for going into Summer......

The darling moved his at home office from the kitchen
to the formal dining room....
he is so considerate NOT to set up in HIS real office
so I can have access to our computer...
I just want him to be comfortable and have privacy
for all his numerous conference calls....

Lunch has been easy...
this day was Chicken and Rice Soup...
this is comfort food to me.....and him!

One of the best dinners was
Mushroom Cheeseburgers with a wedge salad

And....I made the HEB
Green Chili Chicken Spaghetti...this was fabulous!
Nick makes huge portions of this for Noah's
football team in the fall....
I wonder how that's going to go next year.....
it's his senior year and I feel things will be
very different with whatever the new normal looks like.....

And...thank goodness for BLUE BELL....
I have been craving ice cream....
now this will put a smile on your face, right?

I have been pampering myself with feel good
beauty products....
A few weeks ago, during a conference call,
I overheard participants talking about the lack of items
found at the grocery and one of them mentioned hand soaps...
I took advantage of the Bath and Body sale of their foaming
hand soaps, which I normally stock up when they are on sale!

I so look forward to an evening bubble bath
and added a few items to make spa time...extra special...
like a lighted candle......

Smells heavenly.....

Now THIS product I love....
thank you Amazon!

Our girl Mae Mobley is a gift...everyday...
I could not love her more.....

I plan to get the patio ready for Summer
on May 1st...new outdoor rug, pillows, plants
and a little fountain.....
weather permitting of course...
Texas can get pretty scary storms during the month of May....

I then thought,,,,, I want to throw a family party
to celebrate the beginning of Summer.....
the first of June....barbecue, cocktails, swimming,
snacks, grandchildren....
BUT....I doubt that will be possible....

I miss seeing their faces....hugging them...talking with them
in person....I know you probably are feeling the same....
Well....it's fun to think about isn't it?
Feel well and be well my friends.....
Sending you a big distant hug!!