February 6, 2019


I have home decor tucked away in boxes from when we moved
back to Texas from Maine...which we have both said we hoped
would be our final move ever!
I decided to explore a cupboard out in the garage to see
what treasures I had yet to uncover and lo and behold,
found a few items which I absolutely loved from the past!
Brass candlesticks were very popular back in the 70's and 80's.
We were living in Virgina Beach and Dothan, Alabama during
that time and I had wanted a set of brass candlesticks.
I gave away some but kept these three.
I decided to look for inspiration for using these in the fall.....






I plan on making a fall vignette with these four items
from our past....
the candlesticks were a gift from my Mother and Daddy
and the lovely wicker planter was from
The Lillian Vernon Catalog....remember that?
I don't think I am going to polish them...
I love them looking somewhat old and a bit tarnished.
I love shopping my house and discovering old loves....
it feels all new again and I didn't spend a penny...
brings back lovely memories too!


  1. Now that was a nice find out in that cupboard!

  2. Lillian Vernon catalog!!!!!! Have not thought of that in ages....boy, oh boy..did I ever do some window shopping in that lil catalog! and do those brass candlesticks ever bring back memories. Got married in 1977 and wanted some SO badly. My mother in law gave me 3 large ones for my mantle and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. SO CHIC, I thought!!! Still have them and still love em. Thanks for the walk down memory lane today!!

  3. I love shopping around my house, its the best place to shop! Brass candlesticks are classic and always looks beautiful on a dark night.


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.