January 28, 2016


Hey loves!
What's going on in your world lately?

While winter can be lacking in color,
the lavender pansies never disappoint...
they still show their glorious color on the patio!

One of the darling's favorite childhood memories
are his Mother's chocolate muffins!
I think he is going to be over the moon on these!

These are my latest new additions to Estelle's kitchen!

I have looked at embossed measuring spoons
and measuring cups for a long time now,
and these just spoke to me!

Oh, I think they are just gorgeous!
Too pretty to hide away in a drawer!

A perfect pairing with new farm style dish towels...
it doesn't take much to make this southern baker happy!

Now you are going to love this muffin recipe!
I have told this many times before,
but there were special Sunday nights
when the darling was growing up
when they had warm chocolate muffins for dinner...
served with Strawberry Jam and Cheddar Cheese...
strange combination I know.....
but he loved them! 


A scrumptious, moist, tasty muffin and full of chocolate goodness!

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 egg
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 12 muffin cups or line with paper muffin liners.
Combine flour, sugar, 3/4 cup chocolate chips, cocoa powder, and baking soda in a large bowl. Whisk egg, sour cream, milk, and vegetable oil in another bowl until smooth; pour into chocolate mixture and stir until batter is just blended. Fill prepared muffin cups 3/4 full and sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup chocolate chips.
Bake in preheated oven about 20 minutes. Allow to cool on a wire rack.

The prettiest girl in the world! 

Y'all have a great weekend! 


  1. Preciosas las cucharitas de medir, utilizar como decoraciĆ³n, besos desde EspaƱa

  2. I printed off the recipe! Can't wait to make them.

    1. Good Morning Latane! Has your snow melted yet? Hope you have a great weekend planned! Thank you for visiting today!

  3. Ohhh, those lovely measuring spoons! Bet I'd do more baking, if I had those to use. :-)))))

    Oh my, those muffins! I read their name out loud, and my husband moaned. ,-)))

    That kind of a special dinner, is what childhood memories are made of! Love the idea. :-)

    Lovely post... Topped off with a photo, of the most lovely of kitty cats, in Blog Land.

    Gentle hugs...

    1. Mae thanks you so very much! Bake some muffins for your own Mr. Wonderful and thank you, as always for your kind comments!

  4. Little Mae is pondering something grand it appears! So cute---and your muffins look great! I have some sour cream that need to be used, so now I know what I'll use it in! Thank you! Those measuring spoons have been catching my eyes for a while also! Have a great day! ♥

    1. Hi Martha Ellen! I do hope you try these...and enjoy them! Ah yes...the roosters are so cute, aren't they? I love having you visit!

  5. Have you ever considered an Instagram?

    Oh I know, everyone is so busy already. You take time and effort, with your beautiful blog already. And, and, and....

    But your photos would be so amazing, on Instagram. One a day... Or more.... Or skip days.... Whatever you feel like, on any day. With just enough words, to tell what the pic is of. And you are on your way.

    You will find other IG's with which you resonate. And all you have to do, to "comment," is click on the little Red Heart. These "Likes" show up, on top of the IG. And if something really appeals to you, you can leave a little comment.

    I am loving it!!! And I have found such lovely and interesting IG's. And have make new world wide friends. Some of whom, now come to my blog. And I, to theirs.

    Never thought I'd be on a soap box, for anything but blogging. But, I am in love.

    Just please consider... :-))))

    Gentle hugs,
    my Instagram

    1. I do believe you have found a passion in Instagram! I actually am thinking of putting Estelle's in retirement. I am going to post fewer days and decide if I want to continue. It's so very good to have an interest you love, and I will consider this. I try not to be glued to my I phone as so many are these days..thank you for thinking of me!

  6. Oh, MY! Won't the quads love having these for our Tea Party next week??? Once again, thank you for such wonderful recipes!!
    Love your sweet kitty!!

    1. Hi Linda! I think these would be perfect for the quads tea party! They are actually quite good with butter and jam! Those babies are so precious!!! I know they make your world complete! Have a great weekend!

  7. These sound wonderful! I'll definitely try them. :)

    1. Hi Stacey! I so hope you enjoy the recipe! Have a lovely weekend and thank you for visiting today!

  8. Replies
    1. Hi Michelle! Thank you for visiting today! Have a great weekend!

  9. I wrote this down will try tomorrow, hubby has to go gluten free so will try with gf flour. :)

    1. Thsse should taste the same with GF flour....I think! Hope you enjoy the recipe and so happy to see you are back to blogging!

  10. Hi Betsy, stopping by via my dear blogging friend, Sheri at Red Rose Alley.
    Your Emerson quote is one of my all time favorites.
    I have similar embossed measuring spoons, coastal themed, and I TOTALLY agree that they're too pretty to hide in a drawer. :)
    Thanks for the recipe.
    Looking forward to visiting.

    1. Good Morning Marcia! Welcome to Estelle's! I am always thrilled to meet someone new! Oh, how I would love to see your coastal embossed measuring spoons! Those would have been perfect while living in Maine! Please visit me often if you would like! Have a lovely weekend and hugs for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment!

  11. It's not really even morning yet, and I should be sleeping, but I happened upon your beautiful blog and had to stop and say hi. I am in the midst of our interminably-long-winter doldrums, but your post has inspired me to get some new kitchen towels and measuring spoons and to bake! I do bake bread (tomorrow's blog post), but I think I need to make muffins and scones. Baking would be a great way to (endure) enjoy February! Thanks. :-)

    1. Why thank you SO MUCH! I love baking in winter too....I do hope you try the recipe and enjoy them! Have a lovely and warm week ahead! I certainly appreciate your visit today!!!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.