December 31, 2015


"Maybe it's much too early in the game
Aah, but I thought I'd ask you just the same
What are you doing New Year's
New Year's Eve?" just must love Texas!
We were in flip-flops on Christmas Eve and
then the tornado's blew in across nearby cities,
creating horrible devastation.
The darling has a coworker who lives in Rowlett, just North
of our city, whose home was destroyed on Saturday night.
She lost her entire belongings and her beloved cat.
Where would you begin to start over?

The above picture is Ms. Elizabeth's ranch.
We awoke to big fat snowflakes and freezing temps
on Monday morning.
Now.....December weather begins just when the month is ending.

We have cleared away the Santa's and the Snowmen.
The tree is still up and continues to softly light the entryway.
Perhaps we will wait until New Year's Day to take it down.

This New Year's Eve will be just the darling and me.
I remember when we were young and would
often celebrate the evening out in New Orleans...
all dressed up and ready to party!
Now....we love quiet evenings at home
with champagne, a good movie and a few appetizers.
I have seafood stuffed mushrooms on the menu.
Miss Abbie is hosting a formal New Year's Eve dinner
for her friends.....
Lasagna is being served......
I just love this....she is our girl....our only granddaughter!

I do hope the year brings us joy and happiness
continued good health.
I wish that for us all!
Sleep tight! 

December 30, 2015


This recipe was voted
on our Christmas Eve buffet!

We even had it for "lunch" on
Christmas day!

I plan on making this often!!!
It is so easy, it's refreshing and it's low calorie and healthy!!!


2 cups of fresh grape tomatoes, chopped
3 green onions, chopped
Olive Oil
Feta Cheese crumbles
3 t. Greek Seasoning

Chop the tomatoes and green onions. Drizzle olive oil in a small  to medium sized bowl.
Combine the tomatoes and onion and place into the bowl.
Sprinkle the carton of Feta Cheese on top.
Sprinkle the Greek Seasoning over all and mix together.
Slice the baguette into slices. 
Drizzle with olive oil.
Toast the sliced baguette and place these slices around the dip bowl.

December 29, 2015


 I have just discovered something really, really good!
Dale's seasoning sauce!
I would describe it as a similar taste between
soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce.
This is a made in the USA product
out of Birmingham, Alabama.
Combining Dale's seasoning sauce, along with
Montreal Steak Seasoning.....oh baby baby.....
it is a
Cheeseburger in Paradise! 

1 1/2 pound ground chuck
1 t. Montreal Steak Seasoning
2 T. water
1/4 cup Dale’s Seasoning

In a bowl, place your ground beef. Sprinkle in your Montreal Steak Seasoning and Dale’s sauce.
Combine ingredients together using your CLEAN hands. Form into four patties. Gently, yet firmly shape the sides of the patty, then taking your thumb, make an indention in the center of each patty. Cover and allow to marinate at room temperature for thirty minutes.

Set your skillet over medium high heat and add 1 T. of butter. Carefully place your patties onto the hot skillet and cook for 5-8 minutes per side. Cooking time might vary based on the thickness of your burger and how you like it cooked! We cook ours medium-well. These are delicious served with crispy fresh lettuce, ice cold tomato slices, cheddar cheese and warmed onion buns!

December 27, 2015


We had a lovely Christmas eve night here in Texas!
Perfect temperatures, a full moon and everyone made it safe and sound
as they traveled up to our house.

It almost felt strange to have such warm weather in December.

Rob was due in to Love Field about 8:30 PM,
but as luck would have it, his flight had been delayed
in Austin. It was 9:30 PM before he got home...
so I prepared all the appetizers and kept them 
warm until he could join us for the festivities. 

The Christmas Eve punch turned out beautifully.
The grandchildren felt so special having their own beverage!
I used mother's ice ring which was the shape of a Christmas bell.

Don't you love looking through the windows of a home
and seeing the lights glowing from the Christmas tree.......

Oh the glorious food....
cookies, homemade candy, cakes, dips, and appetizers....
everything was SO good!!!

Everyone opened their Christmas Eve gift, which were new PJ's and socks!
They immediately ran upstairs to put them on and then
the games began...and lasted well past midnight!

Christmas morning started with Mimosa's,
a hot breakfast casserole and cinnamon rolls!

Nick, Cat and the children headed back home after the
gift exchange to host Christmas dinner for Catherine's family.

Catherine and her grandmother, Miss Ann..
90 years young!

Christmas Day, 2015 was very mild and quiet.

People were walking their dogs through
the greenbelt and children
were seen riding their new Christmas bicycles.

Rob was SO looking forward to that fried turkey...
since he had to work Thanksgiving, he missed out on all
the delicious food!
So in addition to the fried turkey,
we added a yummy cajun ham.

The opening of the Christmas Crackers!

Yet, another blessed Christmas day.

Over in Atlanta, the Christmas Eve party
was in full swing...with the Peanuts gang
singing carols and fresh buttery crab legs in the oven!

Luke loves the tradition of leaving out
cookies and milk for Santa!

We are thankful for family and for health.
We are thankful for safe travels.
We are thankful for our faith
and the bond of love that holds strong.
We hope you had a wonderful and most merry Christmas Day! 

December 24, 2015


It's Christmas Eve, 2015.....

All is merry and bright here in Texas....
oh yes.....very warm too!
Shorts and flip-flops in fact.....two years ago, 
we had a white Christmas!

I'll just bet your home is bustling with excitement
with the little ones waiting for Santa's arrival!

The baking is in full swing and the turkey is being prepared
for Christmas Dinner.
Michael Buble' is singing on Pandora
and the evergreen candles are all aglow!

I sent Rob this picture of whipping up the cheesecake
for our Christmas dinner.
Poor darling, has to work until 5:30 PM,
which means he has to catch a later flight from Austin...
I wish it was like it used to be and everyone was home
with family on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
I really do.....I wish that very much!

I had the most amazing cake
at Linda's Christmas tea...
it was Kentucky Butter Cake!

I HAD to make one for our Christmas Eve buffet!
Let me just say....BUTTER and RUM....
Heavenly......just heavenly!

Oh my lawd....what a gorgeous cake she is!
Here's the recipe I used.....

Mae Mobley has been close by my side all week...
we have listened to Pandora
and wrapped the packages!

She loves a nice quiet time in the early morning hours.
as we sit together and I savor the first cup of morning coffee.

Over in Atlanta....
there has been a catastrophe in the making....
Piper performed a "face- off" on Snowy the Elf!

As we all know....puppies chew everything in sight.
Even though Snowy was minding his own business high up on a shelf,
Piper managed to spot him,,,,,grab him...and chew his sweet little smiling face off! 

Luke has written a letter to Santa to ask if Snowy can be admitted
to the North Pole Emergency Room after Christmas.....he wanted to
give Santa the "head's up" on how Snowy might appear on Christmas Eve night...

Snowy did not let this interfere with his daily duties, however, of 
making merry high jinks for his little Luke the Duke....
Isn't it magical what Santa's elves can do?

Merry Christmas Eve Y'all!!!
For my Mr. Wonderful......

December 23, 2015


This is a absolutely delicious hot drink for the holidays.
Children love to enjoy special treats at Christmas
and this is one that will leave fond memories of their childhood.

6 cups milk
8 (1.5 ounce) Peppermint Patties
1 cup white creme de cacoa (adults only)
French Vanilla ice cream
Peppermint Sticks

In a medium saucepan, pour in the 6 cups milk. 
Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until hot, not boiling.
Pour 2 cups of hot milk into a blender, 
add the Peppermint Patties.
Cover and blend until smooth.
Pour peppermint milk back into the remaining hot milk.
Add creme de cacao for the adults.
Cook until heated through. 
Pour into mugs.
Top with a scoop of ice cream and a peppermint stick! 

December 21, 2015


It's going to be a busy week.
I am thankful for that.
All hearts lead home at Christmas...

We spent a glorious weekend shopping the Square
in our historic downtown district.
Catherine and Miss Abbie enjoyed
all the boutiques showing their holiday finery!

The weather is still quite mild here in Texas
so I doubt we will even need a fire on Christmas day.

I am setting the formal dining table
with an Old-Fashioned Christmas theme!

My new additions....darling!

Miss M looked like a Christmas angel
for her Christmas party!

She did a marvelous job decorating her entryway!
I love such rich colors!

I am making an ice ring for the Christmas Eve punch...
Mother always did this....using fresh oranges, lemons and cranberries!

I am loving the tree...wondering if next year,
I will decorate with something new......

I always put this picture of Mother on our tree..
she was three years old sitting on the porch
of my great sweet and tiny she was! 

The Carollers grace the sideboard

Here are a few of my favorite tree ornaments.....

We are all so thankful for the newest addition to the family,
Piper has been love and laughter since she was adopted
by the Divine Miss M and her family!

Time to finish up the grocery shopping, wrap the final arrival
of the gifts and begin the baking.
I "unplug" this week and only listen
to the Christmas station on Pandora....
light the candles and love my family.

I wish you all God's blessings for Christmas day! 
In the words of our dear Miss Tessa...
Gentle Hugs!