April 7, 2014


Today, we wish our number 1 son, our number 2 child, GGS, a
How would you like to celebrate your special day?
He asked for Top Golf, grilled steaks, twice baked potatoes and a yellow cake with chocolate icing!
Sounded perfect to all of us!
Even though the weather in Texas this weekend was a bit gray, cold and rainy, we had a fabulous afternoon of Top Golf in The Colony!  

Miss Catherine perfecting her stance

Nick came in second place

Birthday Boy came in third

The Champ! 
I failed to take a picture of Jenn, but she had amazing form and was quite competitive!

We headed back home and found "the four legged cousins"
anxious to have their families home and wanting to come inside!

Jenn found a new bakery to try for birthday cakes! One word......AMAZING!!!!!
This was no doubt an amazing cake.......from Stein's Bakery...the oldest bakery in Dallas!


The birthday boy showing his appreciation to his bride.....so cute!

Loved these candles.....they are similar to sparklers! Very festive!!!!

Time for singing...looking a bit weary, full of a delicious dinner and a
 few celebratory cocktails I might add!

All but one........wonder what he wished for?
Probably that we were planning a beach trip and that his sister and brother were with us!

Sunday morning.....thunderstorms rolled in about  5 AM. After making breakfast burritos,
 the gang headed for home.....Franz looks pretty exhausted!

Mae Mobley was snooty and retired to her bedroom for the entire weekend.
She poked her head out as soon as the front door shut and she heard "the doggies are gone!"
Ah.....what a long two days that was......back to the living room and her bear....
She finds dogs very unrefined creatures!
She is THE QUEEN, isn't she!
Happy Birthday to you..................


  1. Happy birthday to your son! I love the photo of him kissing his beautiful bride! Sweet!


    1. That is too sweet Deanna! I know he will appreciate the birthday wishes! Thank you so much for visiting Estelle's today!

  2. Thank you so much MC! Love having you visit and leave such kind comments! Dinner at your Mom's sounds amazingly delicious! I know you will all enjoy getting together! Always good to hear from such a love!!!

  3. What a fabulous weekend and celebration! You made the best of it in spite of the weather! Love your Mae Mobley!!

    1. Thank you Miss Linda! What could have happened to our lovely spring weather! Well, we better not cry...100 degree temps will be here before we know it! Thank you for visiting me today!

  4. I think the lot here would have to agree with Mae. Your son's choice in cake is my favorite, too. Gold cake..chocolate icing. Can't beat that. Great photos of a lovely family. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thank you so much Deb! I was just reading about your little Gwyn earlier.....thank you for stopping by today!

  5. Dear Sweet Lady, Precious family and golfing makes you very smart they say. And the kitty is to cute and I think dogs just move to quickly for all kitties. My cat just finds a place to hide when the house is even filled with people.
    Your blog is so cozy and I feel right at home, and I always want to come back :o)

    1. Miss Roxy, I do believe you are one of the kindest people I have ever met. It makes my day to hear such nice words from such a lovely lady! Thank you for taking your time to visit. I too, enjoy reading your blog and your words of wisdom! I hope you are having a terrific week! Hugs!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.