June 14, 2024


Summer has arrived and the warm temperatures are here to stay.....
I love reading and sharing ideas on how we can eat a bit lighter
during summer, yet serve our family a great tasting and 
eye catching lunch....

Summer is all about having fun in the sun and
enjoying life to the fullest.....
add a touch of whimsy to create the mood.....

This little healthy luncheon is ideal for the ladies in your life,
but I have to make this appetizing for the darling too......and
he actually said this may be his new favorite.....

All summer foods must contain those sweet and beautiful 
fresh from the Farmer's Market tomatoes....
I remember my Daddy used to sprinkle sugar on his tomatoes....

And oh my gosh, if y'all haven't tried fresh avocado on top
of cottage cheese,,,you simply must...it's just divine....
serve on a toasted whole grain bread, a toasted baguette or even
your favorite cocktail crackers...so, so good!
And adding a slice of hard boiled egg creates the perfect bite...

Who can possibly resist those summer sweet cherries?

And, I  saved the best for last....
a homemade apple crisp.....

Add a little scoop of vanilla.....

I would say life is pretty darn good at the moment.....



  1. I agree... life is good. And, that food looked better than good!! Good thing I was eating when I read your post or I would have died of hunger!! Just saying.

  2. Of course your menu looks delicious and also very healthy - perfect mix of the food groups--but your photography takes it to another level. Were you ever a professional photographer or food stylist?

    1. You are so kind Eileen, no I have never been a professional photographer or food stylist but how lovely that you thought so....what a magnificent compliment....just love photography as a hobby of sorts and have a passion for cooking.....thank you so very much!

  3. What a wonderful luncheon!

  4. Oh girl.....the hubs has 28 tomato plants growing out in the big garden...and they are loaded and will all prolly get ripe at the exact same time. Which means you know what.....this chick will be doing some peelin and cannin and freezin and EATIN some maters in the next weeks!!! Wish you lived closer..you could have plenty for your good light lunches!!! And cherries???? I finally got a cherry pitter and it has changed the game in my desires for cooking with them!!

    1. So good to hear about your Summer Janey....oh those tomatoes are going to be delicious!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.