May 20, 2024


Good Morning to all the garden lovers out there...
I love to document the progress of our gardens
as the months progress into summer 

This year, I decided to invest in a good organic fertilizer and chose
this brand from well know master gardener, Barbara King,
who is often featured on QVC!

This corner of the garden is dedicated to
Mae Mobley and it's looking so beautiful....
the colors are bright, vivid, cheerful and 
bring me memories of her that warm my heart daily.....
it can sometimes be a safe harbor for bunny rabbits,
birds, geckos and bees....

The delicate four o' clocks that bloom twice daily..
early morning and evening.....

This is my tropical sunset lilly.....

In this whiskey barrel, more of the tropical sunset collection

The zinnias are just now beginning to bloom that
were planted in with the Rose of Sharon....

My beautiful trumpet took me eight years
to have blooms finally appear and they are indeed
spectacular....a lesson in perseverance and patience...

This is the garden flag for the spring and summer of 2024

And my beautiful Lantana is thriving....

The temps are climbing into the 90's as we are approaching
summer....I just hope I can keep the garden thriving
through the Texas heat....but I am ready to have
summer days to swim and grill about y'all?
I think I'll make a ice cold PALOMA and dream a little dream......

2 ounces grapefruit juice
2 ounces tequila, Blanco or Silver
½ ounce lime juice
½ ounce simple syrup ,
2 ounces sparkling water, to top off
lime or grapefruit wedge, 
for garnish
salt, for rimming


  1. Betsy, I remember my mother had beautiful four o' clocks when I was a child. I never had good luck with mine. I do have good luck with Cocks Comb, Zinnias and Bee Balm. I wish you lived close so I could share my Bee Balm with you. It makes a beautiful bloom. Thank you for sharing your beautiful yard with us. Enjoy your Summer and stay COOL!

    1. I would so love that Alice....the Zinnas were started from seeds so it's amazing to see what transpires....I now must look into Bee Balm//you have inspired me!

  2. You have such a lovely variety of flowers in your garden. You evidently have a green thumb! Be sure to post more as they open up.

    1. Thank you Latane! Are you doing some gardening this summer?

  3. Such beautiful flowers! You must have a green thumb. Thank you for sharing these with us.

  4. That drink looks delicious! I love our trumpet vines, too. Praying for a mild summer - we are due for one!

  5. Your garden is coming along nicely, Betsy. The Rose of Sharon is so pretty, and I love the Lantana bush. I heard it attracts the hummingbirds. The Paloma drink looks refreshing and sounds nice for the hot Summer months ahead. I only have roses in my garden, but they make my heart smile. And a big white flowering bush, that I've been told was the Bridal Wreath bush. Still not sure about that. ; )

    Enjoy the last of the May days. They are simply the best.



I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.