April 20, 2020


I adore Cardinals...especially at Christmas and
during the winter months....
This beautiful and vibrant Cardinal was visiting me
right outside the kitchen window one morning and I
considered him my gift for the day....
the saying goes that the sighting of a Cardinal
represents a loved one from heaven....

May you come to find comfort in and remember:
Cardinals appear when angels are near.
So go now, sit outside and drink your tea.
Keep a look out for the little red bird —
It is there, your loved one will be.


A Sunday morning breakfast of
Edna Mae's Sour Cream Pancakes with berries

I have wanted to try this Autumnal Harvest Soup
that was a feature from Trader Joe's back in the fall..
and today was the day....IT WAS MARVELOUS!

The perfect pairing of a fancy grilled cheese
and a serving of Tomato Soup...
lunch is served!

I have done more baking this past month....
just to keep busy hands.....
like homemade Cinnamon Rolls.....

The darling treated us to a gourmet dinner Saturday night....
we have tried to support our local favorite restaurants in
our area....they have been marvelous at making curbside pick up
so efficient and safe....we applaud and appreciate each of them!

This is DFW Airport.....

The strangest view I thought we would never see....
a mere ghost town......

There were no cars, no people, no planes....rows and rows
of planes just parked in rows.....quiet.....so very, very odd......

We took most of the day on the weekend
and traveled south.....
it was delightful to take a car tour of our former
city where we raised the children....
we drove by our former homes and neighborhoods
which brought back a flood of happy memories....
their schools, their friends houses, where they played,
many years of living.....oh that was just wonderful!!!

Then we drove further and suprised one of the boys,
with a phone call....saying, come outside and say hello.....
it was just what my heart needed to see the grandchilren...
from six feet away.....

Seems like all the boys are rather enjoying not shaving.....
the hardest part was staying apart...no hugs, no kisses...no touching....
but oh those faces......we needed this!

Now, for a few fun things to keep busy.....

Here is the Chcocolate Chip Cookie recipe from

maybe this is a good day to bake!!!

I am going to create a centerpiece for our formal dining table
with a French Country theme....stay tuned....
I'm using my grandmothers crystal cake stand.....
rather excited for this one......

The garden bunny I used during Easter has
found a permanent home....
he's most noble I think.....

Let's look for the positives....stay safe and live your best life!


  1. Good morning, Betsy! Wow. That DFW pic is so creepy. I sent it to my daughter who used to commute out of there every Monday morning. Those chocolate chip cookies look yummy. Great idea to take a car ride. We might do that this weekend, thanks to you. Stay healthy.

  2. It does feel nice to take a drive and especially if you get to see family! We both are using King Arthur flour! I may make cinnamon rolls this week for my sweet hubby! Take care and stay healthy! Hugs!

  3. DFW airport?? wow. just wow! My son's BIL is pilot out of Houston. He had 6 people on a flight yesterday. Wow
    just wow!! crazy times we are livng now. Wow. just wow!

  4. Maybe I need a drive by visit, too. I am sure missing some folks. Your bunny is adorable! I have a new bunny this year. I might need to share him.


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.