January 27, 2019


My sweet daughter-in-law Jenn told me about
a very delicious green tea smoothie she had been making
and was kind enough to prepare one for me over the holiday.
It was SO good....that I knew I wanted to share
this healthy smoothie with all of y'all!
What a great way to begin a brand new year!

These are the four ingredients you will need.
I will tell you it's so refreshing and very good for you!
I have been enjoying one of these smoothies for lunch
and it leaves you feeling full and satisfied.

One cup of Califia unsweetened almond milk
3 T. water
One packet of Matcha green tea
One packet of Stevia
One scoop of Collagen Peptides

The health benefits of almond milk include weight loss, stronger bones, improvement of vision, and a healthy heart.
It also helps in building strong muscles,
maintaining ideal blood pressure,
and ensuring a properly-functioning kidney.

Collagen Peptide Powder benefits ......
Lubricate joints, Build connective tissue, Heal injuries
Promote healthier, stronger, younger-looking skin, hair and nails 
Regulate the body’s metabolism 
Reduce inflammation 
Support hormone balance 
Improve digestion

I find Califia milk at Whole Foods or in the
organic section of the grocery.

Blend all ingredients together and
blend in a NutriBullet or blender for about 45 seconds.

The rich antioxidants present in Matcha tea help in cancer prevention, 
improved mental alertness and clarity, detoxification
free radical scavenging activity, and stronger immune defense. 
Matcha tea also assists in maintaining cardiovascular health,
gastrointestinal health, and works as a superb energy booster.

Serve over ice.....just a wonderful smoothie....
Here's to your good health!

Here's a look back at our week......


  1. It sure sounds good and good for you. What a fine way to share and use your pretty photos in cheery little videos like this one,

  2. Sounds very good Betsy. I think I need two scoops of peptides. :) Stay warm. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. That sounds really good,Betsy. I have spent all morning researching healthy eating and ways to get rid of inflammation. I am jotting this down.
    What a fun little video. I recognize that music from a TV show maybe(?) but can't place it.
    Have a good Sunday- xo Diana

  4. Embarrassed to say I've never been a smoothie kind of gal...healthy or otherwise. But I might just give this a whirl. I've really been wanting to try collagen peptides in some form. This could be the ticket. Thanks very much, Betsy. Really enjoy all your posts!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.