December 31, 2016


Hello Loves...
Happy New Year's Eve!
Have you shopped the after Christmas sales yet?
I was not really going to make a point of this,
however, I did pick up a few really cute and fun bargains!
The first item was this darling, darling little Scottie Tin 
of Walkers Shortbread cookies!
Of course, everything was 50% to 70% on sale!

Then I spied these PRECIOUS little note cards
on the dollar isle...simply adore them!

Love the woolen plaid scarf which I may wear
use as a table runner next year!
It was only $7.00!
I am always on the look out for plaid wrapping paper
and when I came across these...oh yes....I needed wrapping paper!
This most likely will determine my decorating theme for next year!

Now how sweet is this little sugar and creamer?
$12.00 at Joss and Main!

Hey..let's drop in on Atlanta and catch a glimpse
of their festivities to end the season!

It was a cold, blustery night,
but perfect to pay a visit to the
Chinese Lantern Festival!
You know kiddos...constant motion.....

I think Miss Irma, Luke's Ohio Grandma
has had the time of her life this visit! this of Miss M and her sweet little boy!

Rob was able to come home for the New Year's weekend
to celebrate a best friend turning the big 3-Ohhhhhh!
Since he has parties to attend,
we reserved a little time with him for lunch on the Square!

This is one of our favorite dining spots...
always crowded...a sure sign of yummy food!

A Pinot for lunch?
Don't mind if I do......
after all....we are celebrating right?

Divine as always.....

Well. that's a wrap for 2016 lovies!
Today we are golden...
Happy 2017....stay safe and Be HappY!

December 30, 2016


It was an ordeal.
You know what I'm thankful for?
I am thankful that we have access to such an amazing
Veterinary Hospital that features many specialists in
the world of animal medical diseases.
We have a final diagnosis of Idiopathic Epilepsy.

We packed Mae up on Wednesday, December 28th, 2016
for her visit with the Neurologist in Lewisville.
Who was more nervous and stressed???
I probably win #1 on that one.

Mae passed her Neurological evaluation just fine.
Our doctor, was caring, gentle and was
impressive in the manner in which she examined our Mae girl.

After much discussion,
we opted to proceed with further diagnostic studies
to include an MRI, blood work, and spinal tap.
Mae was transported by a technician
to a nearby MRI diagnostic facility
which provides this testing to both small and large animals,
including horses.
The staff at the hospital were attentive and kind.
They gave us a tour of the hospital to
make us feel comfortable leaving her overnight.
I believe, we could not have asked for better.
I felt awful leaving her....we both did.
Yes, it was emotionally draining for all of us.

Once she was back from her MRI and spinal tap, the
nurse called us about 8:45 PM to inform us
that she tolerated her anesthesia and tests very well.
A flood of relief was felt by both of us...
which was followed by not so great dreams....

Mae's neurologist called us this morning
to inform us all of her tests were NORMAL!
They were ruling out
a stroke, meningitis and brain tumor.
Her blood work values were also quite good.
So, her treatment plan will be to continue
her current medications.
Her blood work was sent off to
Auburn for special testing
for levels of Zonisamide
this will continue to be monitored every 4-6 months.
It is the best outcome we could have prayed for.
The neurologist did state fragrances and
food types and flavors played little or no part in pet seizures.
If the animal was sensitive to things such as this,
it would most likely occur only once.

We did learn how little is invested in CATS
health as opposed to dogs.
There just are not enough studies to get
clear absolute information on drug reactions
and disease prevention and care.

So, this leaves us all with our NEW NORMAL.....
loving her each day
hopefully, keeping her free of seizures,
which may happen from time to time.
For this, I am truly thankful!
We are also thankful that her primary veterinarians
are very proactive with EASTERN medicine,
combined with western medicine and
their continuing education on whole food nutrition.
All we can say is, that once we added
the Chinese herbal supplement in the evening,
she has been seizure free.

We end 2016 with a rather heavy heart.
Mae went from being a healthy six year old cat
to one that will need medication
for the rest of her life.
We have lost so many extremely talented
people this year...but that's all part
of life isn't it?
It reminds us to live in the moment
celebrate each day as our gift!
Hugs and blessings to you all.....


December 29, 2016


This is the one new recipe I added to our 
Christmas Eve Buffet which was given
"two thumbs up" by everyone.
It is not the most beautiful photo 
however it is an amazing recipe and I know
you will love it for your New Year's gathering!
This dip can also be made in one baking skillet
and it is chocked full of shrimp, crab and veggies!

1/2 pound of frozen shrimp, defrosted
4 ounces of lump crab meat
2 T. butter
1/2 cup onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup green pepper, finely chopped
1/3 cup celery, diced
1 fresh Jalapeno, minced
1/2 cup fresh chopped spinach
3 cloves garlic, mined
1 t. Old Bay seasoning
4 ounces of cream cheese
2 cups freshly grated Gouda cheese
1/2 cup Gruyere cheese
1 t. red pepper flakes
chopped fresh parsley
Paprika....about 1 t. 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Defrost shrimp and set aside.
Chop all vegetables.
Heat a skillet on stove top with butter.
Saute the onion, pepper, celery and jalapeno until tender.
Next add spinach, garlic and Old Bay.
Stir well.
Next add shrimp and crab.
Cook 3 minutes until shrimp turn pink.
Remove from heat.
Stir in cream cheese, Gouda and Gruyere.
Sprinkle with Paprika and place
skillet in oven.
Bake about 15-20 minutes until cheese has melted.
Serve with a hot, crusty baguette. 

December 26, 2016


It was a wonderful Christmas!

I don't know about y'all,
but I'm pooped!
The baking, the cooking, the decorating
all the festivities....indeed a great time had with family!
I started baking the cookies, I think on Wednesday!
First up....Peanut Butter cookies!

Then, the Chocolate Crackle Cookies....

On  Thursday, I made the Lasagna
along with Mother's Dilly Bread....
oh heavenly days...divine!

Christmas Eve festivities were held on Friday evening...
all my boys...home for the holidays!

Santa delivered a
"big boy toy" a bit early......

My poor youngest, Rob,
was a tad under the weather with a bad cold....

Christmas dinner was held on Saturday which
was actually Christmas Eve....

Greg's smoked turkey was amazing.....

Cornbread dressing, roasted carrots, lemon pepper green beans,
scalloped potatoes, cranberry sauce and yeast rolls.
followed by
my best cheesecake ever....
topped with whipped cream and a drizzle
of salted caramel sauce!

I am pretty much ready for bed at this point.....

We drew names this year
this was my gift from Nick....

There is nothing better than curling up with a soft blanket
and watching our favorite Christmas movies....

We had Christmas morning brunch
before Rob had to head back to Austin!

Another blessed Christmas day...
thankful and grateful for this holy day!

Over in Atlanta,
it was a most beautiful Christmas Eve night!

Miss M is now making it a tradition
for the Christmas crackers....

Miss Maepole continues to be seizure free...
this was the best gift of all....our prayers have been heard.
We visit the Neurologist on the 28th....
I hope we are able to get some answers.
I so hope you all had a happy and healthy Christmas Day.

December 22, 2016


I knew when I saw the recipe from PLAIN CHICKEN
that I was going to have to try it!
What do you end up with when
you combine Chess Pie with Cheesecake?
Heaven.....the best the South offers! 
If you are looking forward to
adding a special sweet ending to
your holiday table, then you will probably love this one!

Lemon Chess Cheesecake Pie
1 (9-inch) deep dish frozen pie crust
1 (8 oz) package cream cheese, softened
1-1/4 cup sugar, divided
3 eggs, divided
2 T. butter, melted
2 T. milk
2 t. grated lemon rind
2 T.  fresh lemon juice
11/2 t. all-purpose flour
11/2 t. cornstarch
1/8 t. salt

Preheat oven to 350ºF.

Beat together cream cheese, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1 egg at low speed of an electric mixer until smooth. Spread cream cheese mixture in bottom of pie crust.

Whisk together 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, butter, milk, lemon rind, lemon juice, flour, cornstarch and salt. Pour over cream cheese mixture.

Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, until set. Remove from oven and cool completely on wire rack.

Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Estelle's Sweet Tip~
I sprinkled nutmeg on top
before baking....all
Chess pies need nutmeg!
Then dusted with powdered sugar
when cooled.

Here is the original recipe from
Plain Chicken

The doggie presents arrived from Atlanta...
but, SOMEONE saw them first!
Merry, Merry!

Miss M spent the morning making
Cranberry Bread for the sweet friends on her list
who help out daily with Luke and school.
What a festive gift from the heart!

Luke's school bus driver, teachers and coaches to name a few!

Festive Candy Canes.....

Do you love Danish Butter cookies...
We certainly do!

Even store bought cookies are divine.....

My little winter snowman and ice tree arrived just in 
time for Christmas!

How darling!
I love little Charlie Brown trees, don't you?

I think I love them......

My sweet Sister-in-Law
sent us some delicious Mississippi favorites
for our Christmas Eve buffet!
This made me homesick......

Mae continues to do well.
I say nightly prayers for her
for all those who are in need of a prayer.
I am so very blessed to have
YOU as a blogging friend!
I am grateful our paths have crossed.
I hope the true meaning of Christmas Day
is in your heart
that you enjoy each moment of Christmas.
The family is scheduled to arrive
the baking has begun.
Stay warm, Stay happy and Be Kind!
Merry Christmas Loves!

December 21, 2016


When the shopping has come to an end
the gifts are all wrapped
placed under the tree.....

you are tucked away inside
to begin the celebration with family...
it's time for a casual dinner of
The Christmas Eve Lasagna!


1 1/2 lbs. of hot Italian Sausage
4 large cloves of garlic, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
12 ounce jar of roasted red pepper, drained and chopped
1/2 cup white wine
10 ounce package of frozen chopped spinach
1 (15 ounce) container ricotta cheese
1 t. salt
1 t. pepper
1 egg, slightly beaten
2 (16 ounce) jars of creamy Alfredo sauce
12 lasagna noodles
1 (6 ounce) packages of sliced Mozzarella cheese
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Remove and discard sausage casings.
Brown sausage in large skillet.
Drain the sausage, reserving 1 T. of drippings
Cook garlic and onion in the drippings until tender.
Stir in sausage, red pepper and wine.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, uncovered
until most of liquid had evaporated.

Meanwhile, cook spinach according to the package.
Drain and squeeze dry.
Combine the spinach, ricotta cheese and next 3 ingredients. 

Spread one cup of Alfredo sauce in a greased
13 " x 9" baking dish.
Top with uncooked lasagna noodles.
Top with half of spinach mixture and 
then half of sausage mixture.
Place 4 slices of Mozzarella over this.
Repeat the layers.
Top with remaining noodles and Mozzarella slices.
Spread remaining Alfredo sauce over all.
Sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese.
Cover and bake at 350 degrees F.
for one hour. 
Uncover last 15 minutes of baking.
Let stand 15 minutes before serving.

I hope this Christmas Eve 
brings for you the gifts of 
happiness, good health and joy!