Hello Loves...
Happy New Year's Eve!
Have you shopped the after Christmas sales yet?
I was not really going to make a point of this,
however, I did pick up a few really cute and fun bargains!
The first item was this darling, darling little Scottie Tin
of Walkers Shortbread cookies!
Of course, everything was 50% to 70% on sale!
Then I spied these PRECIOUS little note cards
on the dollar isle...simply adore them!
Love the woolen plaid scarf which I may wear
use as a table runner next year!
It was only $7.00!
I am always on the look out for plaid wrapping paper
and when I came across these...oh yes....I needed wrapping paper!
This most likely will determine my decorating theme for next year!
Now how sweet is this little sugar and creamer?
$12.00 at Joss and Main!
Hey..let's drop in on Atlanta and catch a glimpse
of their festivities to end the season!
It was a cold, blustery night,
but perfect to pay a visit to the
Chinese Lantern Festival!
You know kiddos...constant motion.....
I think Miss Irma, Luke's Ohio Grandma
has had the time of her life this visit!
Aw...love this of Miss M and her sweet little boy!
Rob was able to come home for the New Year's weekend
to celebrate a best friend turning the big 3-Ohhhhhh!
Since he has parties to attend,
we reserved a little time with him for lunch on the Square!
This is one of our favorite dining spots...
always crowded...a sure sign of yummy food!
A Pinot for lunch?
Don't mind if I do......
after all....we are celebrating right?
Divine as always.....
Well. that's a wrap for 2016 lovies!
Today we are golden...
Happy 2017....stay safe and Be HappY!