April 10, 2014


A thoughtful welcome for Easter....creating a vision of one-of-a-kind treasures.
Do you enjoy creating eye-pleasing vignettes for Easter day?
It's time for the Rabbits to be on parade.....
A few pretty and easy Easter decorating ideas to dress up your home for the holiday...
A vintage Easter banner

Sweet and Charming

A tiny bird nest tucked into the pastel egg garland..................

My all-time favorite picture of my sister dressed for Easter in Vicksburg...
love that auburn curly hair!

Use your Easter eggs for more than just an egg hunt

Pretty spring decorations can stay out all season.

Sharing Secrets....I like accessories that can be moved around and used in various rooms and can create different vignettes. I use these dried hydrangeas in every room and arrange them in various containers. I decided to move the egg garland from the mantle and onto the kitchen table.

Can you tell these are my favorite Easter rabbits?
I think they have found their spot in this kitchen table vignette.

The chocolate garden rabbit has the perfect rustic appearance
 to be paired with a woven bread basket

As I always say....try using what you have on hand, before shopping for new! It's like painting your dream for the season. Happy Springtime darlings!


  1. Estelle, your spring and Easter vignettes are so pretty. I love the garland on the mantel and the cute bunnies you've collected. Have a lovely day.

    1. You are so kind Pamela! Thank you so much for commenting and stopping by today! Hope you are happy and enjoying this week in April!

  2. I love every single one of those bunnies. They are just beautiful. The banner is so sweet, too. Your home looks very festive, indeed. Deb

    1. I think we must be children at heart Deb, when it comes to all the sweet Easter bunnies, lambs and chicks! hope you are getting some warm sunshine on your lovely home today! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. You are dressed to the Nines! I especially love the Bunny on the pedestal with his paws to his mouth...so adorable! XOXO

    1. Hi Susan! He is so cute, isn't he? Do you decorate for Easter? I am waiting with anticipation to see next month's apron! Hugs to you love!

  4. Such lovely Easter vignettes! But as much as I love bunnies and chicks and eggs and nests, the best treasure is your sister's childhood picture. You have inspired me to ask Mum about a picture I know she has of my brother and me, taken in our Easter finery.

    1. I am thrilled this inspired you WendyBee! That would be too darling to have the Easter picture of you and your brother! Fantastic!!!

  5. Deary, I just adore that Bunny garland.... I want one; wonder if I could make something cute with maybe a cut out bunny?
    Now, you got me thinking, I need to get some gum drops for my gum drop tree.
    Saturday I will get my Easter things out of their tub! Those rabbits may have multiplied after being in there all this time ;o)
    Blessing to you my dear friend!!! Roxy

    1. I hope you take pictures of your Easter bunnies Roxy! They only visit once a year so it's so fun and festive to see what everyone collects and enjoys! Thank you so much for visiting me today! Hugs!!

  6. Oh Maxc...you are so sweet to leave such lovely comments! It makes me so happy that you enjoyed this. It always makes me miss my mother and the lovely things she put out to make our Easter festive! Hope you are enjoying a lovely spring!!!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.