September 27, 2024


There is no denying the homey comfort that fall brings.
Our days become a bit shorter and cooler..
why not embrace every minute and find your joy
in all things...HOME...
This was an ordinary day in September
and small ways I found to bring us comfort
as well as contentment....

Hanging a colorful tea towel on the oven door.....

Cleaning the kitchen countertops and sink with a favorite
cleaner from Caldrea...

Adding my little ghost candle with the kitchen vignette
as we move toward October....

Completing the fireplace mantel by hanging my new
Autumn banner....

Lighting my orange cinnamon clove candle...

I searched my collection and pulled together a
centerpiece for the farmhouse table....
and I absolutely LOVE it....

Oh if you could just smell this deliciousness....
my tried and true Cranberry Bread that I have made for many years...

I take so many pictures of our little Lucy...
the happiness and love she brings to us
cannot be measured...a gift from God....

The darling is under the weather currently
after a trip down to College Station...
The Divine Miss M is also in bed
with a cold virus after traveling to
Pittsburg to attend a family wedding...

In these days, when life is slower,
I value being productive and grateful..
for health and family, and
to remember to appreciate the small things life offers....
I hope you all have a beautiful weekend....

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I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.