January 1, 2018


"Land of Hope and Dreams"
 is a 1999 song written by Bruce Springsteen
and performed by 
Springsteen and the E Street Band.
This, I decided, would be my mantra for 2018!

Mantras are melodic phrases with spiritual interpretations 
such as a human longing for truth, reality, light,
 immortality, peace, love, 
knowledge, and action.
Some mantras have no literal meaning, 
yet are musically uplifting and spiritually meaningful.
As I am a child of the 60's, this all seemed good to me.....
So we say hello, to the first day of a brand new year!

The last day of 2017 was a cold one here in Texas....
while organizing recipes, I took time to indulge in hot chocolate.....

And....yes, we started the morning with snow flurries!

We celebrated December 31, 2017
with homemade Lasagna and a decadent Chocolate Cake!

Both were amazing!!!!

We are now scattered as a family...
Rob was with friends down in Austin, Miss M and her family
celebrated together over in Atlanta and
Nick attended the Country Club New Year's Soiree down in Midland.
Greg and Jenn toasted in the New Year with the oldies but goodies...
which would be the darling and me...he's the oldie and I'm the goodie!

I feel rather sad sometimes to take down the calender for a year
we have now said goodbye to...never to see again....hopefully
the most were made of your days....
we are all now fresh and new to begin again.......

And before I knew it.....I was given a gift to begin the day....
this beautiful Cardinal landed right outside our window....
all puffed up to ward off the winter wind....

Shortly afterward....I received this picture from Nick down in Midland....
this was HIS gift for the first day of 2018....how beautiful....how magical!

Mae Mobley found a sun puddle......all is right in her world right now..... 

So, as I am sitting here munching away on Champagne Gummie Bears...
I have promised myself to BE....BE in the moment,,,,in the present....
keep moving...learn something new...and enjoy every moment of life
that is given....how about you?
It's the land of HOPES AND DREAMS....I plan to make it a good one!


  1. Happy New Year!
    I love your new mantra for 2018.

    There is something special about having a word or phrase to hang on to-

    White Spray Paint

  2. Sounds like the perfect plan! You have the right idea!

  3. Happy New Year, Betsy. Hope 2018 is your best yet!

  4. Happy New Year Wishes for you. betsy

  5. the new banner pictures touched my heart.
    and then I went on to read this most beautiful of posts.
    I have always loved fresh starts!
    and to end with little mae mobley in the sun puddle... proof of hope. xo♥

  6. What a beautiful cake! Have you shared that recipe before, or is it a family secret? Love your mantra!!

    1. Hi Mechelle....the recipe can be found on the back of the Hershey's Cocoa container...it's marvelous!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.