June 12, 2020


I am always looking for a new craft project
that I would like to try my hand at, and
learning to do an IOD transfer really
captured my attention.

I chose to use three vintage mirrors I had for this project...
and I will say, I really love the results!

I am not sure how well these mirrors photograph,
but the results turned out beautifully....

This was a mirror I have had for years and keep this upstairs
in one of our little guest bedrooms....
a beautiful work of art and rather a romantic look....
this was a simple inexpensive mirror.....

This particular transfer came in one large sheet...
I cut the pieces I wanted for each project.

I would say the time to complete the largest mirror was
less than 30 minutes.

This little round beveled mirror was a gift
from my sister which she found at an estate sale...

I simply love how this turned out for the dining room....

I think it gave this a very vintage look....

If you are interested in crafting using
an IOD TRANSFER, I have provided you
the link below on where I found mine....

“There was a filmy veil of soft dull mist obscuring, but not hiding, all objects, giving them a lilac hue, for the sun had not yet fully set; a robin was singing ... The leaves were more gorgeous than ever; the first touch of frost would lay them all low to the ground. Already one or two kept constantly floating down, amber and golden in the low slanting sun-rays.”
Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South

Wishing you all a peaceful weekend.....


  1. These are so uniquely lovely. I am going to suggest them to my niece who is looking for decorating ideas in her new apartment.

    The video (surprised me by working as I am having trouble this morning with other bloggers' videos) is pretty and pleasant. The sheep was a nifty addition.

  2. Very pretty. I just purchased that transfer fromm a local vintage shop. Will transfer it onto an old dresser I've painted. I did another china cabinet with a Prima transfer of dogwood branches and birds. It is fun project isn't it? Think I could easily get carried away so will have to hold myself back. Take care.

  3. AnonymousJune 12, 2020

    what a beautiful post this is!
    it's the combination of old mirrors and the art that looks from another time.
    all just so lovely. thank you for sharing. xo

  4. How beautiful! I am going to do this.


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