September 1, 2020


Hello there September....
We're ready..........we're transitioning.......


Luke the Duke and Piper Rose

Ah, I think we can all remember the beginning of MIDDLE SCHOOL....
however, back in my day, it was called Junior High School...
which were grades 7th, 8th and 9th.
When our kiddos, were school age, 6th grade was it's own individual school....
these days, 6th grade begins MIDDLE SCHOOL.

There is not the experience of attending a brand new school. where
 you change classes six times a day, you have a HOMEROOM teacher,
band and new school mates....that makes me sad to think
our Luke the Duke is missing all those experiences.
This year just really stinks....
Virtual learning has presented its challenges for teachers, parents and students...

there have been technical problems, weariness, tired eyes, frustration
and a few teary breakdowns.....

But, the bright side is Piper is there for moral support,
the family can enjoy nutritious lunches together and parents
are close at hand....

PE breaks are pretty fun too!

This was a very special birthday for our sweet daughter-in-law
and Rob was invited to fly out to California and spend some time
ocean side for a small family celebration.
As nervous as we were for the flight.....I think this
visit and change of scenery did them all a world of good....
it's been soooooo long.....with no family and no visits....
love seeing them all together...oh just look at that sunset over the beach....

I hope you find some enjoyment and inspiration
as I share a few snippets of our Fall home decor....
thank you for stopping by today......

The last of Summer's gathering....
a lovely day spent with Nick, Cat and the grandpups...
Franz enjoying the pool on such a hot August day....
Mr. Wonderful treated us to grilled steaks, Hashbrown casserole
and wedge salads....

For our sweet ending...Nick's favorite...
French Vanilla Banana Pudding......

I must say, I have enjoyed taking my time
transitioning our home into the Fall season....

I am in love with my new Fall cozy throw...
perfect for reading a new novel....

no rush, no hurry....just enjoying changing the decor in each room.

There is a welcome wreath at our front door....
Even though we are not having anyone but
a few close family members as guests these days,
it it still important to create an atmosphere of comfort.....

I came across this beautiful little owl
at the grocery the other day and of course....
he somehow flew into my basket.......

I added this Fall chalkboard sign in the kitchen....

And this little fellow is the new addition to the coffee station...
so sweet and cute with his little knitted scarf and pumpkin on his head...

These Fall napkins from last year just may be my all time favorites!!!

Now, I as we turn the calendar to September 1st,
I can at last sip morning coffee from my cute little Autumn mug

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, decorating our piano for the season.....

My parents used to adore listening to the song of
Autumn Leaves....I was lucky enough to inherit
this vintage sheet music.....

I always get more enjoyment and satisfaction from
arrangements I created myself....rather than something I purchased
already you feel the same?

I added this new accent rug in our foyer....
I am in love with these rich colors which are lovely
for this season.....

And....just couldn't resist the little red truck......

This is going to look so warm and lovely in the evenings
when the candles are lit....which reminds me to add
a slew of batteries to my list......

I adore scarecrows and found this little cute guy
while doing a little retail therapy one weekend.....

Now, after all this decorating.....
I think it's time for a cocktail!!!!

We decided to do something fun on a Saturday night...
and I made my first ever cocktail called a
Pink Pirate!

Oh this was fun and sooooo delicious...
Rum, Coconut Rum, Banana Liqueur, Cranberry Juice,
and Pineapple Juice

This has now been declared our official beach cocktail......

The darling's office has been warmed up
by my birch branch lighted tree....
it's so very pretty by adding some fall stems
throughout it's branches....

I suppose the old saying holds true...
There is nothing like staying home,
for real comfort.......


  1. Betsy, I love the new autumn header. Your home is looking very fall like with the pretty decorations. I love battery candles. you can use them in many places you would not normally leave a candle burning. Luke is growing up. I too feel sad for the children that need school and love it. Plus it has to be kind of lonesome at times. Children like to socialize too. Blessings, stay safe. xoxo, Susie

    1. Hi Susie....thank you again for such lovely comments....yes, I too like the candles that you don't need to worry about...I hope soon, children will be able to return to school and socialize with their friends...hugs and blessings to you and your family!

  2. Lovely, lovely. I agree with you about making your own arrangements! I'm making a new header today!

    1. will see signs of Fall long before we do so I sure look forward to reading your posts...just like a hot cup of tea for the soul!

  3. Ahhh, yes, school days trials. My grands attend school two days a week (not the same days). Yesterday was Sam's first day in
    high school. He was so excited, but arrived home with a pounding headache after a day of wearing a mask. Praying that Luke has a good schoolyear in spite of it all. He'll find his stride.

    I could spend quite some time enjoying your much to see. Everything is looking autumnal nice. May it help make the weather seem cooler and more pleasant.

    Glad that some of the family were able to get together. This year is already oLD and it's only September.

    Keep looking up and I will, too🌻

    1. I agree Vee...this has been one long year.....but the season will change and hopefully, our moods will too! Stay well and happy!

  4. Your new Header...

    Your entire post....


    A delight for the eyes....


  5. Oh what a wonderful "job" you do, of decorating each room, for the new Autumn Season! Your home must be a true haven.

    And that cocktail! Oh mercy, how delicious. Anything with rum, is a delight to me. Well, wasssss a delight. For health reason, both he and I can no longer drink any alcohol. ~sigh~ Our Sat. evening Manhattans with extra cherry juice, are simply a memory.

    But!!!! When one's health is at stake, we dooooooooo and don't dooooo, what is necessary. ~smile~

    Virtual schooling is certainly a problem, for many. Actually, our Dear Daughter in law next door, home schools the youngest, and the one in HS, in fine with virtual. So we/they are very lucky.

    Btw, love that little faerie lit~light, in your husband's office! ~smile~


    1. Sounds like your daughter-in-law has everything under control...what a challenge this is for so many! Love having you visit and certainly appreciate your lovely comments!

  6. Oh, Betsy, I just love this post. First of all, your header photos are so beautiful. I love that green wicker chair! My grandson had his first day of virtual 7th grade yesterday. His uncle, my son, went over to supervise because my daughter had to be somewhere for most of day. Well, Uncle Timmy, who didn't realize everyone could see him, photo bombed his class by virtual canoeing behind Connor! I would love to have seen the faces on those kids!
    When I was young, I took piano lessons and one of my favorites was Autumn Leaves. I gave our piano to our daughter and I think she still has the music. She played it, too, and is now a music professor.
    Your home looks so warm and inviting. Everything looks great. By the way, I made the blueberry coffeecake and it was so delicious. Thanks for the recipe. Isn't it great to see your family having some fun! Better days are ahead for all us.

    1. Oh how I love hearing your stories Ellen...thank you for sharing with us! So happy you all enjoyed the coffee cake...simply marvelous! Thank you for visiting today and for such lovely comments...warm hugs from Texas!

  7. a beautiful post dear heart!
    but what topped it off for me was the music you chose for the video.
    you have an uncanny knack for picking the perfect music for my mood. LOL!
    Autumn has and always will be my all time favorite. and as a special gift...
    for the first day of September... it's cloudy and 75 with a perfectly cool breeze!
    it's a sign to me that it's going to be a perfect AUTUMN.
    and I think little Luke loves being able to have Piper Rose as a classmate! XOXO

    1. Your weather sounds perfect nice to have you visit me today....yes, Piper would indeed be a class favorite....hope you are well and happy....hugs and blessings from me to you!

  8. I love your new header. So warm and cozy feeling. I hope Luke has a great school year. Our kids here are doing it all virtually. Sad, but at least they are keeping up with their education. Your home is so warm and welcoming. I want to move in with you just so you can decorate for me.


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.