August 19, 2020


Some days I ask myself...AM I STILL HERE...?????
I know many of you feel the same way....
this has been THE strangest year of my life!
I will tell you that August is my least favorite month
of the entire's hot...
I guess the most exciting thing we PORCH SITTING!!!!
The sounds of summer, though, are so lovely....
lawnmowers, children splashing in the pools, birds chirping
and getting lost in watching the sunlight spill down through the trees....

Anyhoo, many of us are jumping into the Fall season
as it is exciting to dream about and plan for.....
So as we enjoy the days of August,
here is some Fall inspiration to think about......

I want to dress up the entry way outside
by planting big urns with Nandina's and fall picks...
I love planning a festive and welcoming front entry.....

I love scouring my cookbooks and marking
old favorite recipes and also adding new ones to try....

The advantage to blogging is being able to take a look back
at old seasonal posts to remind us of what's stored away
in cupboards that we may have forgotten about.....
gosh, just looking at my Fall plates from Pier One
make me so sad they are no longer in business....
I simply adored that store for many years.....

Do you have plans to make a Fall wreath?

I love the collection of Autumn children's books I have collected
over the years for the all grown up!


I plan to bring back old favorites and some new ones as well!

Appetizers are a must have for the season....
I have some really good ones to share that I know
your family will enjoy!

Baking is the name of the game when the weather turns cooler....
so many good pumpkin recipes to try!

We will hop over to Atlanta and see what
The Divine Miss M has in store for us.....

We had THE most wonderful visit last October....
it's a good thing we did this since there is no travel
to be had in our near future....

I really don't think the holidays are going to have
big family gatherings this year.....but I do feel,
there will be good times next year!

Now is especially important to decorate and make our homes
festive for the upcoming is good for the soul
and our spirits....
Let's all be thankful for small blessings...
and good health!


  1. I adore Autumn and your preview has me so ready to decorate! I will be patient until September at least! Such beautiful photos of your home and Miss M's!

    I'm thinking good things are ahead!

    1. Hi good to have you visit....I am trying to keep spirits up.....some days are a struggle...with the news, pandemic and meek attempt at sharing and finding joy in small things...soon, the weather will be glorious and your cozy cottage home....sending you warm hugs!

  2. Betsy, I really enjoyed seeing all your pretty fall things. The wonderful dishes and decorations. I am like you, I truly love pretty paper napkins too. Just having one with a coffee and cookie is up lifting. I see your daughter is carrying on the cooking tradition . Also a great decorator. Blessings, stay safe. xoxo, Susie

    1. Good Morning are a blessing and I thank you for visiting today....hope you are doing well, along with your husband....hope you have some fall planting in your near future..mums on the porch perhaps? Stay safe and well..hugs from Texas!

  3. The most miserable, bizarre year ever without a doubt. I celebrate home a lot less well than I used to because I have discovered that living is not all about home for me anymore. It just isn't. Family and friends are far more important. Your home is a lovely place to visit.

    1. Well Vee...I understand your feelings...where your heart lives, so does joy and happiness....hope you are well and feeling healthy...sending gentle hugs!

  4. Your blog is such a beautiful, gentle refuge.

    Therefore, I wish you would blog more often. ~smile~

    Each of our posts, do not have to be long. Nor do they have to be "chock full" of "things."

    Just finding a frequent post, in a favorite blog, is such a Joy.

    Could you possibly think about my request?


    Pretty please...

    Pretty please with sugar on it...



  5. Yes! Your question of "Am I still here?" is being asked by lots of us! Or some version of it, anyway. 2020 has been a mind-boggling year, in so many ways. And it continues to be so! The Horrors just do not go away. In fact, they keep multiplying.

    And this, is why it is so important (to me anyway) that we keep trying to post. What ever our way of posting is. We are used to it, and our Dear Readers are used to it. And I am sure, I am not the only Dear Reader, who looks forward to the communication, between our 'fellow' lady bloggers. It is like holding hands, even though it is in Cyber... Knowing we are not alone, in this very, very trying time. Knowing we are all going through some sort of upheaval.


  6. Love all things Fall! I’m in the midst of cleaning and decorating now. I didn’t pull everything out at once but as I clean a room, I’m going out and bringing in some fall things. I have a plan! We go back to the country on Friday so I’ll have the whole house clean except for the den and gazebo! It will ALL be done by September first!

    1. I know you have been enjoying the country this summer Linda, but am so happy that you can be at home for your Sept. 1st celebrations...I'll be thinking of you!

  7. And I am really trying to pay attention to the little joys of this late summer time of year. Not let them slip by, unnoticed. Because soon enough, the dark, rainy days of November will be with us.

    Love your Autumn decoration plans! I don't do as much. I don't have all the pretty plates and etc., you have collected. And now I can ask! Where do you store them, when not in use???? ~smile~ I have often wondered this. So, I ask! ~smile~ Perhaps a special storage area, for seasonal items?

    Your second photos... Love the little girl illustration, in it. Oh how precious. Love such illustrations, for Autumn pictures, in my blog.

    I have an autumn wreath I use every year. Eeeek! Imagine that! Every year! I know, I am so unimaginative! ~gigggles~ Perhaps it's time, that I actually tried my hand, at making one!!!!

    And how could I close, without saying how beautiful Miss Mae Mobley still is. ~smile~


    1. Organization is key, at least for me, when storing seasonal items....bins and cupboards are reserved for each season. I have been decorating for many years and really treasure and enjoy my collections..but I also pass some down to my daughter and daughter-in-laws...which makes they quite happy! Blogging requires inspiration and I have been blogging for ten years...yes, it's less and perhaps will end when the time feels right. Thank you for your kind words and visiting today!

  8. Betsy, you just don't know how much your posts lift my/our spirits. Thank you so much. Wish I could do or say something to encourage you when you need it. Anyway, you are very much appreciated. God Bless you and yours!

    BTW, I'm bawling (dare I say p*ssed off) over here about the Pier 1 stores closing. And I'm afraid there will be more closures to come. Boo Hoo Hoo! Stop the madness!!!

    1. Good Morning Tobe....thank you ever so much for your sweet and kind comments....your visit has brightened my day and I appreciate you! If I can lift someone's spirit out there in these uncertain times, then that sure brings a smile to my face....stay well, safe and happy....

  9. This has been the strangest year ever, but I agree with you that next year will be much better. I hate to wish my life away, but it sure will be nice to be normal again! I truly believe things WILL be normal again! In the meantime, reading your blog is something so nice to look forward to. Your photography is magazine worthy. Have you thought about writing a book? It would be great to hold that book in my hands. I appreciate all the effort writing a blog must take and I thank you for sharing. Our temps are in the 70's here in MI. Heavenly!

    1. Hi Ellen....I'm afraid I would be pretty awful at writing.....but you know, my little blog may suffice as my creative outlet...Estelle's was actually a dream of mine which I fancied being a quaint little day.....I love having you visit and am so thankful for each and every reader...wishing you a lovely weekend ahead!

    2. Well, I think you could handle the writing. It could be your blog in book form! Until your dream of a quaint little restaurant and my dream for your beautiful book comes true, we'll both have to be happy with your wonderful blog. And I am!

  10. I am so ready for fall decorating and cooking but trying to enjoy these last few weeks of summer. Because as much as I love fall, you know what comes after that! I so enjoyed your post today. As I have told you before, you are a breath of fresh air in the world of blogging.

    1. Hey there Kathy..I totally understand your thoughts on the fall season...winter comes all too quickly and stays too long in your beautiful state. I thank you for your kind words and very much appreciate you....stay well and safe....I'll jump over and see what y'all are up to! Hugs!!!

  11. because of my email system I'm always a day late for some reason! I only just received your email this morning. but that way I read all the comments before mine. (the little silver lining in being late!)
    your blog (wish that was a better word) is like an enchanting little book. always fun to read. and browse and be surprised! your vignettes are perfect. and to end a post with the darling Miss Mae is perfect too.
    YOU are appreciated. and the love you have for LIFE is unmistakable! thank you for sharing it. XOXO

    1. Hi Tammy....thank you SO much for being so kind and sweet....I'm not sure I measure up to this, but I love having you visit and that you enjoy a few minutes of your day to stop by and read a post....hope you are happy and well.....enjoy your weekend...warm hugs!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.