June 21, 2019


It's actually hard to believe...
Luke the Duke turned 11 years old this week!

Lordy, where does the time go?

Luke has been a huge blessing to our family...
I don't think the laughter has stopped from the moment he was born..

he has a gift for entertaining and we celebrate his fun and wonderful spirit!

How's your summer so far?
I hope you are living life to the fullest...enjoying some
good food, good wine and wearing some cool summer fashion!

I picked up the Summer edition of my
new favorite magazine, Entertain and Celebrate!
This is now the one and only magazine I splurge on
and it's so worth the price!

This is going to be perfect for our July 4th gathering.....

Bath and Body Works held it's huge 75% off sale and even
though I said I was not going to buy any more candles...
well, I couldn't resist two of my favorites at $10.50 each...
Black Cherry Merlot..which has notes of 
Decadent Dark Cherry
Black Raspberry
Sumptuous Merlot

Pink Petal Teacake..with notes of
Pink Rose Petals
Pound Cake
Vanilla Glaze

I received my Grove Collaborative Box
for Summer and ordered their Mint scented
hand soap and all-purpose spray cleaner....divine I say!

Oh my goodness....you will want to try the Coconut Pineapple Ice 
sparkling water drink....this is a light, crisp taste of Summer!!!

We love our country biscuits in the morning
topped with butter and blackberry jam.....

Saturday night dinners will often be our favorite
fresh gulf shrimp....gosh, makes me Mississippi !!!!!

We are loving spending time on our patio....
it's a lovely spot for entertaining.....

It was the darling's idea to add a new seating
area for just the two of us....love it!

The evening is our favorite time to unwind
and catch up with each other over cocktails.....

We have put a lot of effort in the backyard this summer
and feel it was well worth every penny......

We have another grand celebration coming up soon....
shopping to do and planning surprises....
oh the fun of being blessed with good family and lots of love!!!!


  1. What a lovely outdoor space you have Betsy! I love your seating spaces, and thoughtful touches. Happy Summer!

    1. Why thank you Deanna...we feel very blessed to have this and enjoy it! Hope you have a fun-filled weekend!

  2. Your outdoor space is beautiful! I would love to just sit and spend some time there.

    1. Thank you for stopping by today Kathy...take good care!

  3. AnonymousJune 22, 2019

    oh! what is not to love in this post!!!
    Luke the Duke... still so adorable and not growing up TOO fast. (although definitely fast enough!)
    and Miss Gorgeous Mobley herself inspecting the candles from that 'special store.' lol.
    and finally your tiny little video (LOVE THESE) and the ever enchanting sound of the fountain.
    I would be there every single evening! I'm glad you two have your own special place to relax at the end of the day. you've captured what life is all about.
    cheers! xo

    1. Thank you so much Tammy, for taking time to visit today....and for your sweet comments! I hope things are well with you....have a wonderful week ahead!


I so love receiving your thoughts and comments. I also hope you found something that made you smile.